LIBERATION — Guam Remembers
A Golden Salute for the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of Guam
Table of Contents
A grateful Guam remembers
Guam in midst of Japan's ocean empire
The Land of the Rising Sun seizes Guam
Symbol of hope, controversy
The strength of Agueda Johnston
In Tai, the death of a hero
"Uncle Sam, won't you please come back to Guam?"
The Pastor Sablan and his flock
Chamorros caught in Wake invasion
Captain endures POW camp
The march to Manengon
A witness to tragedy
A voyage to freedom
List of liberating forces
Liberating Guam
Maps of invasion beaches
The way of the Japanese warrior
The beachhead the night of the banzai
50 years later, a liberator is remembered
"He gallantly gave his life"
The high command
Guam scouts assist liberators
All men bleed red
Old Glory sways proudly once again
Liberators meet the liberated
Combat Patrol hunts for stragglers
The Last Soldier
Adolfo C. Sgambelluri's secret life
War crimes and justice
Military buildup on Guam
Chamorros still yearn for freedom
The War in the Pacific ends
Thank You
Events of the War in the Pacific
Throughout this 50th anniversary commemorative book is a timeline
of events in the Pacific theatre of World War II. The timeline
highlights events of the two-pronged offensive by Allied forces in the
Pacific that led to the defeat of Japan. The items in this timeline were
written by Dave Lotz, Rose S.N. Manibusan and Paul J. Borja.
This book was produced by the publications subcommittee of the
Golden Salute Committee for the observance of the 50th anniversary
of the Liberation of Guam, 1944-1994.
Members of the subcommittee are: Tina D. Aguon, Paul J. Borja,
C. Sablan Gault, Dave Lotz, Rose S.N. Manibusan, Tony Palomo,
Lt. James Robson, USN, and Raj Sood.
The book was edited by Tony Palomo and Paul J. Borja.
The book's design and layout were by Paul J. Borja and Joseph
John "Jojo" Santo Tomas.
Printing of the book was accomplished by the Graphic Center,
Inc., in Maite, Guam.