News Release

Rhiannon Touchette joins NPS Fire & Aviation as visual information specialist

A dark-haired young woman with dangling turquoise earrings and hazel eyes stands in front of a dark tree.
Rhiannon Touchette is the new visual information specialist for the Division of Fire and Aviation.

Courtesy of Rhiannon Touchette.

News Release Date: April 4, 2024

Contact: Tina Boehle, 208-387-5875

Rhiannon Touchette has been selected as the visual information specialist (VIS) for the Branch of Communication and Education within the National Park Service (NPS) Division of Fire and Aviation. Since 2017 she has worked for the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) producing publication, training, media, and communication products as a web and product assistant, writer editor, and audiovisual production specialist.

Rhiannon began her career in wildland fire on the Bitterroot National Forest in 2004. After returning to Boise, Idaho from Montana she used her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Boise State University (BSU) as a developer of web-based animation and video production for large tech corporate workplace trainings. Since then, she has gained over 15+ years of specific experience in the production and delivery of communication, marketing, process improvement, and multimedia products for; corporate workplace training, higher education with the University of Idaho, the State of Idaho, and for the NWCG. Rhiannon recently completed BSU’s Project Management Program in spring 2023 adding to her multifaceted skillset.

“We look forward to Rhiannon joining our staff, knowing that she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from both the private and public sectors, along with a passion for what she does,” said branch chief, Tina Boehle.

Rhiannon is a believer that process drives creation, improvement, collaboration, and innovation. She is honored to be a part of the NPS and to support the wildland fire, structural fire, and aviation communities.

When she is not working you can find Rhiannon making pottery, hiking, skiing, roller skating, and traveling back to her home state of Wisconsin. Rhiannon lives in Boise, Idaho with her son, daughter, and husband.

Last updated: April 4, 2024

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