The Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems (CR-GIS) program for the National Capital Region (NCR) captures critical geospatial information on park lands to be used in mapping, data visualization, and greater analysis. This information is used to help park managers better understand and interpret how of groups and communities historically organized spaces and interacted with their environment. Questions like, “How and where did people gather and live?" or "How are archaeological findings distributed across a park?” are easier to answer with GIS information that ties historical research to a geographic location.
The CR-GIS team focuses on the collection of spatially accurate data and the management of that data for future use. Further, the program sets standards for metadata, mapping, and other data management needs and requirements per the NPS. The CR-GIS program provides support to parks and all regional cultural resources programs including archeology, cultural landscapes, history, cultural anthropology, historic architecture, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and the National Historic Landmarks (NHL) programs. In addition to GIS and data management support, the CR-GIS program provides support and assistance with data collection using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)/GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers and through data processing using ESRI’s Arc Pro and Arc GIS online software.
Please contact Madeline (Maddie) Laub, Cultural Resources Data Manager for more information. Parks may submit a Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request online (NPS Only) for assistance from Resource Stewardship and Science.
- Creating and maintaining a master database for spatial cultural resource data
- Creating a web application that displays NPS cultural resource information (from the Cultural Resource Inventory System; CRIS) in an ArcGIS Online platform
- Running viewshed analyses
- Exploring the use of 3-D representations in depicting building interiors and other small resources
- Providing training for NPS staff on use of GNSS/GPS equipment and GIS software
Last updated: July 19, 2023