“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.”
― Frederick Douglass

Nicodemus strives to provide curriculum-based educational programs and materials for educators and students. Based in the standards outlined in the Common Core State Standards and Kansas Standards for History, Government, and Social Studies, Nicodemus provides age-appropriate activities and materials on topics relating to slavery, Reconstruction, westward expansion, homesteading, and the road to the Civil Rights Movement. 

Distance Learning

Nicodemus' distance learning programs allow your students to interact with a ranger from the comfort of your own classroom. You can select from pre-designed programs or you can work with a ranger to develop a program specifically suited to your classroom needs.

Plan a Field Trip

Choose from a variety of field trip opportunities for students of all ages. Onsite 4th grade field trip programs are available for the 2024-2025 school year. Bus grants may be available. Other grades and learning levels may be accommodated based on availability.

Bring a Ranger to your Classroom

Request a ranger visit for your students. Park rangers present engaging interactive educational programs on a variety of topics relating to Nicodemus and the National Park Service.

Call the Nicodemus Visitor Center at 785-839-4233 or email us to schedule an education program.

Last updated: February 20, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

304 Washington Ave.
Nicodemus, KS 67625-3015


Phoneline for Nicodemus Township Hall and visitor center. Use this number to speak with park staff.

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