Explore on Your Own
Bus Drop off/pick up
As you plan your visit, be aware that there is limited bus parking and loading/unloading at National Mall and Memorial Parks. Bus parking is available at the Hains Point parking lot, on Independence Avenue, SW between 15th and 17th streets, and on Ohio Drive, SW between the Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial. Tour bus loading/unloading is located in designated drop-off and pick-up zones that are indicated by appropriate signage throughout the park.A full listing of tour bus parking and loading and unloading locations throughout Washington, D.C. is available at http://godcgo.com/home/get-my-group-there/motorcoach-operators.aspx. Within the park boundaries look at our Parking Metered Map. Tour buses may park in the Orange and Yellow Sections only.
Restrooms are available at the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, King Memorial, FDR Memorial, WWII Memorial, Constitution Gardens and at the Washington Monument Lodge.
There are no designated picnic areas on the National Mall but there is a lot of green space. Before leaving, remember to search the area for litter and dispose of it in the proper receptacle.
Please do not feed the wildlife. It is illegal and harmful to the animals. Please help us keep wildlife wild.Please remember that picnicking is prohibited in any of the monuments or memorials. Be Prepared visiting all or some of the monuments and memorials will require some walking. Please make sure that students are dressed for the outdoors. Hats, sunscreen and water bottles are always a good idea.
Accessibility All the major monuments and memorials are wheelchair accessible. On occasion an elevator may be out of service. To see if any are temporarily unavailable, please select the alert icon located on the front page of this website.
What is expected while visiting the park? Bringing a class to National Mall and Memorial Parks can be a fun, memorable and educational experience. A visit to any of the monument or memorials requires a commitment from teachers, students and chaperones to be safe and respectful.
What is expected from teachers and chaperones? Students should always be chaperoned.Teachers and adult chaperones are responsible for the conduct of the students. If a student’s conduct compromises safety at any time, the entire class will be asked to depart immediately.
What is expected of students? Stay with your group.Avoid injuries: Do not run, climb, or wade in any of the monuments and memorials. Please remember to be respectful of the site and of those around you.