National Park Service Museum Management Program
The NPS Museum Management Program initiated the park virtual museum exhibition and Teaching with Museum Collections programs to make National Park Service collections widely accessible.
The NPS Museum Management Program collaborated closely with Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site to develop this virtual museum exhibit and Teaching with Museum Collections lesson plan to share Maggie L. Walker stories and collections with educators, researchers and the American public.
Joan Bacharach, Museum Curator and Project Manager
Amber Dumler, Museum Specialist (Information Technology)
Carol M. Highsmith, Photographer
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site
Klydie Thomas, former Museum Curator
Ethan Bullard, Museum Curator
Janet Blanchard, Park Guide
John Donoghue, Park Guide
With thanks for the assistance to:
Eola Dance, former Supervisory Ranger
Ajena Rogers, Park Ranger, Interpretation
David Ruth, Superintendent
House exterior, room interiors and primary object photographer;
Carol M. Highsmith
Selected object and document images; NPS Museum Management Program Digital Project at Harpers Ferry Center
Annie Evans, Teacher
Joyce Ricks, Teacher
Ajena Rogers
Eola Dance, former Supervisory Ranger
Patrice Ferrell, Education Coordinator