
What makes you feel you feel connected to wilderness?

Glacier National Park


The Wilderness Act states that the National Wilderness Preservation System was created “for the permanent good of the whole people.”

This means wilderness has the potential to be of lasting benefit to everyone.


What makes you feel connected to wilderness? These connections help sustain the benefits of wilderness.

Descriptive Transcript

The video starts and ends with a close up of a yellow glacier lily.

Several shots of a hiker’s point-of-view, walking down trails on a cloudy day, surrounded by forests and mountains.

Trees and bright flowers line the trail.


2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the Wilderness Act of 1964. 10 years after the act was passed, 92% of Glacier was proposed to be formally designated wilderness. On June 13, 1974, Glacier's wilderness recommendation was submitted to Congress -- but it was never enacted. While Congress determines the status of the proposal, Glacier manages its recommended wilderness according to NPS Policy.


26.994 seconds

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