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Palmer-Epard Cabin Restoration, HOME, October 28- November 15, 2024

Homestead National Historical Park

The Palmer-Epard Cabin, a historic log cabin built by the homesteader George Palmer in 1867 occasionally requires maintenance. Members of the Mid-West Historic Preservation Training Center (HPTC) team have become experts at log cabin restoration as well as other skills needed to preserve historic structures and materials. Here at Homestead National Historical Park, our Palmer-Epard Cabin had several rotten logs that required removal, replacement, and restoration work because of the porous nature of the materials used in the chinking (think insulation material between logs). Members of the HPTC say they hope it'll be another 15 or 20 years before Homestead will need additional work on this cabin. Thanks to the HPTC members for their hard work!

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