Showing 6 results for kahoolawe ...
- Type: Article

Large cupboards such as this, known as a kast (or kas), represented an important form of furniture in the Netherlands during the early seventeenth century. To showcase an owner’s prosperity, a kast was prominently positioned in the home. While functional, they also embodied status, lineage, and national identity—so important that wealthy Dutch families in New York imported them from the Dutch Republic.
Ho‘onā‘ū - Prolonging an Ancestral Breath: Kū'auhau
Ho‘onā‘ū - Prolonging an Ancestral Breath: Moʻoʻōlelo
Lewis and Clark on the Kansas/Nebraska border
- Type: Article

The Corps of Discover stopped to rest just south of the Kansas/Nebraska border – White Cloud and Highland, Kansas in 1804. According to local legend, their names are said to be carved in a stone somewhere close to today’s White Cloud. This was the land of the Ioway tribe. After Lewis and Clark, the tribe’s chief, Ma-Hush-Kah, or White Cloud, lived near the river at a place called Iowa Point in a double-hewn log house.
- Type: Place

The South Point Complex, is located at the southern tip of the Island of Hawai'i on Ka Lae (the point), 16 miles south of the town of Naalehu. It is the southernmost point in both the Hawaiian Islands and the United States and is made up of a group of sites which are among the oldest in the Islands.