- Thomas Edison National Historical Park (36)
- Boston National Historical Park (27)
- Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail (21)
- National Mall and Memorial Parks (17)
- Independence National Historical Park (14)
- Thomas Stone National Historic Site (14)
- Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historical Park (12)
- Minute Man National Historical Park (11)
- Thomas Jefferson Memorial (11)
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- Archeology Program (3)
- Geologic Resources Division (3)
- National Historic Landmarks Program (3)
- National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (2)
- National Heritage Areas Program (2)
- Network to Freedom (2)
- Northeast Coastal and Barrier Inventory & Monitoring Network (2)
- Aviation Program (1)
- Cultural Resources Programs (1)
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Showing 357 results for Thomas Edison ...
Letter from William Brown and Thomas Gilmore to William Dunlap – April 29, 1768
- Type: Article

In April 1768, William Brown and Thomas Gilmore sent a letter from their printing office in Québec, Canada to William Dunlap, nephew to Benjamin Franklin and printer in Philadelphia. The letter requested Dunlap purchase and send an enslaved “boy” or his own enslaved worker, Priamus, to work in their Québec office.
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse
- Type: Place

Discover the historic Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse, a National Historic Landmark in the Chesapeake Bay. This restored offshore beacon offers engaging exhibits, interactive displays, and stunning views. Travel by boat to explore its maritime history and the vital role of lighthouses in navigation. Don’t miss the chance to experience the Bay’s rich stories and enjoy the beautiful surrounding area!
- Type: Person

Mifflin’s role in America’s founding was important, including his work in politics and as a military leader. Mifflin was elected to state legislature and to the Continental Congress prior to the war. He went on to serve as quartermaster general during the Revolutionary War, providing necessary supplies to the Continental Army. After the war, Mifflin served in the Constitutional Convention and then as the first governor of Pennsylvania.
Boggsville Historic Site
- Type: Place

Boggsville was once a stage stop on the Santa Fe Trail. Key businesses there were trading stores, owned by Thomas O. Boggs (built in 1862) and John W. Prowers (built in 1867). Boggsville became the seat of Bent County in 1870, but the coming of the railroad to nearby Las Animas brought about the town's downfall by 1880.
Blaney Grusha (Brinney Gerusha)
- Type: Person
Blaney Grusha enlisted in Framingham, Massachusetts into the company of Capt. Thomas Drury, in Col. John Nixon’s 5th Massachusetts Regiment, and was present at the Battle of Bunker Hill at the diagonal.
- Type: Person
Cato Boardman enlisted in Cambridge, Massachusetts into the company of Capt. Capt. Samuel Thatcher, in Col. Thomas Gardner’s regiment and was present at Battle Road.
- Type: Person
Cato Stedman served at Battle Road in Capt. Samuel Thatcher’s company, in Col. Thomas Gardner’s regiment.
- Type: Person
Cato Wood was present at Battle Road in Col. Thomas Gardner’s regiment. He later enlisted in Charlestown, Massachusetts in the company of Capt. Edward Blake, in Col. Jonathan Brewer’s regiment, and was present at the Battle of Bunker Hill at the diagonal.
Thomas Stone
Thomas Sumter
Thomas Jeremiah
- Type: Person
Thomas Jeremiah, a wealthy free person of color, was hanged for his alleged involvement in an enslaved insurrection to support the British government by South Carolina's patriots in August 1775, the first South Carolinian to die as a result of the American Revolution.
Thomas Vrooman
- Type: Article

Do the inscriptions in the Jefferson Memorial represent Thomas Jefferson's beliefs and philosophies? In this education activity for 8th-12th grade, students will compare an inscription in the memorial to an earlier draft, and to the original text of the Declaration of Independence. They will analyze how shortening or editing a quotation can change its meaning. To extend the lesson, they will compose their own suggestion for an inscription in taken from the Declaration.
- Type: Article

Have you ever been misquoted or had your words taken out of context? In this introduction to the Jefferson Memorial Education series for 8th-12th grade, students learn about the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission and are introduced to the selection process for the inscriptions on the chamber walls. Then they will begin to consider how editing a quotation can change its meaning. How does the design of a memorial affect how a person is remembered?
- Type: Article

The inscription on the northeast wall of the Jefferson Memorial is a conglomeration of words and sentences pulled from five different sources. Does it accurately represent Thomas Jefferson's beliefs about slavery and liberty? In this education activity for 8th-12th graders, students will compare the inscription with the primary sources and analyze the meaning of the quote in context and then compose their own inscription. How should the memorial present slavery?