Distance Learning

30 students sit in groups at tables with a display that says “Photo Analysis” on the board.
Wisconsin students learning about the Manhattan Project in their classroom.



Distance Learning

Rangers can virtually provide curriculum-based lessons and hands-on activities in the classroom on a variety of topics that meet the interests and needs of your students. Our most popular programs include: 

  • Ask a Ranger: All grades. Students use online park resources to research the Manhattan Project and then video chat with a ranger to learn more about the park in an open question and answer session.
  • What is the Manhattan Project: Grades 4-12. Students learn a general overview of the science, history, and people behind the Manhattan Project.
  • Enriching & Irradiating Uranium: How Oak Ridge Created the Atomic Bombs: Grades 4-12. Students explore the science behind the nuclear fuel for the atomic bombs. 
  • The Science of the B Reactor: Grades 4-12. Students discover the basics of transmutation and fission to product plutonium at the Hanford Site.
  • Ranger Careers: Grades 6-12. A ranger discusses careers in the National Park Service.

Community Programs 

For community organizations, park rangers will work with you to determine the topic and length of the presentation. Our community presentations typically cover park and management updates. We can also develop programs on specific topics that are of interest to your group. The above classroom options are available to you as well. 

Request a Program

If possible, a two-week notice is required for all distance learning requests. Programs are free of charge. Our ability to accommodate program requests is staffing dependent. We may not be able to accommodate all program requests.  

NPS Form 10-1750 (Rev. 04/2021)
National Park Service

OMB Control No. 1024-0228
Expiration Date 11/30/2025

Discussion Points for Virtual / Distance Learning Program

Virtual and/or Distance Learning can vary depending on the technical capabilities of the park and the school. in order to find appropriate accommodations for your learning experience, here are some categories to be prepared to discuss with the park:

  1. Internet Access
  2. Phone Access (speaker phone or conference line)
  3. Mobile or digital video conferencing capabilities
  4. Firewall
  5. Hardware and Software Capabilities
  6. Classroom pre-work or assignments


A park representative will follow-up to confirm group details once this request has been received and reviewed.

NPS Form 10-1750 (Rev. 04/2021)
National Park Service

OMB Control No. 1024-0228
Expiration Date 11/31/2025


Privacy Act Statement

Authority: Public Law 114-289 National Park Service Centennial Act and 54 U.S.C. 100701 Protection, interpretation, and research in System.

Purpose: To administer education programs for education audiences including but not limited to school groups, scouting groups, extracurricular groups, and home school groups.

Routine Uses: To effectively manage requests for education received by the NPS, the Education Reservation Request Form is used to collect basic education reservation information to facilitate operational aspects of scheduling groups for park education programs, including in-park education programs, ranger in classroom programs, and/or online distance learning programs.

Disclosure: Voluntary, however, failure to provide the requested information may impede the ability to grant your education reservation request.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to provide park managers and educators the information needed to schedule and conduct education program activities. All applicable parts of the form must be completed in order for your request to be considered. You are not required to respond to this or any other Federal agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB has approved this collection of information and assigned control number 1024-0288.

Estimated Burden Statement

Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Park Service, 1201 Oakridge Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Do not send your completed form to this address.

Last updated: December 30, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

National Park Service, Manhattan Project National Historical Park
c/o NPS Intermountain Regional Office
One Denver Federal Center, Building 50

Denver, CO 80225-0287


Hanford: 509.376.1647
Los Alamos: 505.661.6277
Oak Ridge: 865.482.1942

Contact Us
