For Teachers

LBJ & cowboy kid
Former President Johnson greets a small boy at the LBJ Library (1971)

LBJ Library Photo by Frank Wolfe

"We believe, that is, you and I, that education is not an expense. We believe it is an investment."
Lyndon B. Johnson, October 16, 1968

As a former teacher, Lyndon Johnson understood the importance of education and its ability to transform people's lives. His presidentail yars saw an unprecedented wave of over 60 education bills.

The park that bears his name continues this education legacy. Local educators have many opportunities to bring the unique resources of the park into their classrooms and the lives of their students.

The education program at the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park wants to provide local teachers the chance to introduce the students to the historic, cultural, and natural resources protected by the park. On this page, you will find links to lesson plans that can be used in the classroom by teachers.

Here, teachers can also learn more about the education programs offered at the park, as well as the distance programs. The Park Rangers at LBJ National Historical Park want to share with students around the country the story of America's 36th president.


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      Last updated: June 29, 2024

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