Miniconjou and Itazipco

Another village circle was composed of the Miniconjou (Mnikowoju) Lakota Sioux. Estimates state there were around 55 Miniconjou lodges at the Little Bighorn, totalling around 400 individuals. Among the best known of the Miniconjou who participated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn were Lame Deer and Black Moon. Other prominent Miniconjou leaders were White Bull and Touch the Clouds.

Learn more: " Lakota Warrior," by Joseph White Bull (University of Nebraska Press, 1998) "Black Moon: The Minneconjou Leader" by Ephriam Dickson. (

Another village circle was composed of the Sans Arc (Itazipco or Itazipcho) Lakota Sioux. Like the Miniconjou, the Sans Arc also had around 55 lodges and 400 individuals at the Little Bighorn. Among the best known of the Sans Arc who participated in the battle was Spotted Eagle. Similar to the Blackfoot (Sihasapa), the Sans Arc also had numerous bands (tiyospaye) they indentifed:
  • Itazipco-hca ("Real Itazipco")
  • Mini sala ("Red Water")
  • Sina luta oin or Shinalutaoin ("Red Cloth Earring")
  • Woluta yuta ("Eat dried venison from the hindquarter", "Ham Eaters")
  • Maz pegnaka ("Wear Metal Hair Ornament")
  • Tatanka Cesli or Tatankachesli ("Dung of a buffalo bull")
  • Siksicela or Shikshichela ("Bad Ones", "Bad ones of different kinds")
  • Tiyopa Canupa or Tiyopaoshanunpa ("Smokes at the Entrance")

Last updated: March 17, 2023

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