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Captain Frederick Benteen was given three companies (D, H, and K-approximately 125 men) to find a perch to look into the Bighorn Valley and report what he saw.
After riding for several hours, Benteen headed back towards the main body of soldiers.
Benteen was ahead of the rest of his column when he noticed Major Reno riding towards him. Reno greeted Benteen by wildly announcing, "For God's sake, Benteen, halt your command and help me. I've lost half my men."
Despite receiving a note from Custer stating, " Benteen, Come on, Big Village, Be Quick, bring packs, P.S. Bring pac[k]s," Benteen waited for an hour with Reno's force before following Captain Thomas Weir and D company towards the north to check on the status of Custer's force.
After seeing what appeared to be a mass of men on Last Stand Hill, Benteen, Weir, and Reno noticed a large mass of Lakota and Cheyenne horsemen heading for their position. The force made it back to their hill top defense area and preceeded to dig entrenchments for the remainder of the night and into the next day. After the battle, many men who were at the position stated that it was Benteen, not Reno, who exercised command over the seven companies.
Benteen and Reno's forces would be relieved by General Alfred Terry on June 27.
Last updated: March 17, 2023
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