Park elevations range from 4,000 to 5,700 feet. Cold weather is possible any time of year, and snow has been recorded in all months. Winter daytime highs average 40°F; lows average 20°F. Morning fog is frequent from autumn through spring. Summer daytime highs average 75° to 80°F; lows average 50°F. Occasional thunderstorms occur in summer. Although Lava Beds' weather is on the surface is predictably unpredictable, the weather underground is mild all year round!
The average annual precipitation total is 15.33 inches (39 cm) with an average annual snowfall of 44.1 inches (112 cm). The most snow accumulation occurs in the month of January.
July tends to be the hottest month and August the driest. December is the wettest and January the coldest.
Winter conditions vary from year to year. Some years will have more snowfall than others. Roads may be icy. High winds are frequent. The monument and its campground are open all year.
The information in the table below was obtained at the Indian Well Headquarters Weather Station, Lava Beds National Monument, California. This reflects temperature and precipitation data from a 56- year period (December 1945 through September 2001).