
poster of mountain and pine trees asking people to follow guidelines of local areas

Since the park's establishment in 1938, it has had to protect a balance between man-made areas and natural ones. From the scenic display pools, that Hellen Fowler used to sell flowers out of, to the shared watershed, you may encounter the unexpected.

Animals are wild, not pets. They may allow you to approach, then become frightened and defend themselves. Keeping your distance, at least ten feet, is one way to ensure that you and the wildlife are safe.

The park floods, absorbing water that might damage the surrounding community. Do not enter a flooded area even if it looks shallow. Currents may be faster than they appear.

Poison ivy grows in many places in the area. Learn to recognize it and avoid it.

While currently in Stage 2 we recommend all visitors wear masks and maintain a 6-foot distance from other groups when possible.

Last updated: August 29, 2020

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1550 Anacostia Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20019


771 208-1571

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