South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club

The South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, comprised of wealthy industrialists from Pittsburgh, owned the dam on May 31, 1889. The area was their retreat from the busy, bustling city of Pittsburgh. Though prosperous, it was noisy, smoky, and humid. Lake Conemaugh, as the members called it, offered relaxation and recreation, as is evident from the name. Benjamin Ruff, the first president of the club, purchased the property for $2,000 in 1879. It was empty from a break during the Pennsylvania Railroad's ownership. The club spent $17,000 repairing and rebuilding the dam.

On of the articles of incorporation for the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club declared it's purpose; for the "protection and propagation of game and game fish, and the enforcement of all the laws of this State against the unlawful killing and wounding of the same."

Only the wealthy could afford membership in the club. Membership to the club cost $800 and yearly dues were $50 by 1889.

The club would build a Club House and 16 cottages along Lake Conemaugh.

Timeline of The South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club:

May 19, 1879
The club is incorporated as a not for profit organization.
November 17, 1879
The charter for the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club is filed in Allegheny County.
March 15, 1880
The land is officially granted to the club.
October 14, 1879
The first mention of a new club is reported in the Johnstown Tribune.
December 25, 1879
The first repairs to the dam washed away.
Spring 1880
Under the supervision of Edward Pearson, the repair work to the dam begins.
The repairs are finished and the lake is stocked with black bass from Lake Erie.
Death of club's first president, Benjamin Ruff.
The last cottage to be built at Lake Conemaugh is complete.
May 31, 1889
The dam fails.
The "Johnstown Colony", a group of homeless from that city live in resort buildings.
June 26, 1901
The club turns the entire property over to E. B. Alsip, a trustee of the club.
February 17, 1903
The property is deeded to George Harshberger.
February 25, 1904
Public auction of the club buildings and their contents.
The town of St. Michael, a community surrounding the old resort, is created.

Last updated: January 22, 2022

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Mailing Address:

733 Lake Road
South Fork, PA 15956


814 886-6171

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