For over thirty years, John F. Kennedy National Historic Site has worked with the Ruffin Ridley School to offer third graders a special program called "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me." During the program, the students study JFK, visit his birthplace and presidential library, and then write about what they have learned in essays and poems. Students select winners and runners up by voting for their favorite through a blind peer review.
This page contains an archive of photos from 2011 to the present. It also contains essays and poems from 2018 to the present.
2022 Class Poems
3A Ms. Albertini-Class Poem (Biographical Style):
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Brother to five sisters and three brothers
Son of Joseph and Rose
Fearless, responsible, determined
He saved his men when a destroyer crashed into the PT-109
JFK worked hard to save his crew members
He imagined a world without war
JFK teaches us to be helpful, courageous, and kind
Inspiring, intelligent, leader
JFK felt strongly about everyone having a better life, so he created the Peace Corps
He worked hard to help people in need and to improve our world
He imagined a world where everyone has food and shelter
JFK teaches us the importance of trying things even if they seem impossible and, of treating others respectfully
Helpful, thoughtful, bold
JFK felt strongly about equality and about people of all colors being together
He worked hard to change unfair laws and stop segregation
He imagined a world where everyone is treated fairly
JFK teaches us the importance of standing up for what you believe in
Achiever, believer, determined
JFK felt strongly about taking challenges and about not giving up
He worked hard to get a man to the moon
He imagined a world where we work together to achieve goals
JFK teaches us the importance of challenging ourselves and of taking a leap of faith
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
3B Ms. Bordieri - Class Poem (Tanka Style):
John F. Kennedy’s
Boat got cut in half after
Two men passed away
He carved words on a coconut
Brave, persistent, and helpful
Kennedy, Peace Corps
Helps reconstruct poor countries
People come, work hard
What can you do for others?
He was generous and kind.
Russia put missiles
Cuba close, nuclear war?
JFK stopped it
He stopped a very big war
JFK was very brave
Some were not equal
People were segregated
Some felt unhappy
Helped people get the same rights
Thoughtful, determined, caring
3D Ms. Driscoll - Class Poem:
John likes to read books
John was brave and he was smart
Was a good swimmer
He had eight siblings
He was second of nine kids
Jack was his nickname
Jack’s boat was broken
Jack wrote in a coconut
J.F.K. was saved
Missiles in Cuba
Dangerous situation
John saved us from war
Racing to the moon
Space can be hard to get to
They got to the moon
Peace Corps helps the world
Very memorable speech
He is remembered!
3G Ms. Gallagher - Class Poem (Simile Style):
Jack was as mischievous as a monkey trying to steal a banana.
Growing up, he would get in trouble because of the pranks he would play,
Always have a sense of humor.
John was as daring as a person swimming in shark infested waters.
During World War II in the navy, JFK saved a very injured crewmate while he was also in pain.
Do the right thing no matter what the consequence may be.
JFK was as persistent as a plant sprouting from the ground.
Even though others opposed him, JFK still stood up for Civil Rights and fought for equal rights.
If you don’t have faith in yourself, you won’t triumph.
President Kennedy was as hopeful as a soccer player wanting to win the World Cup.
He believed that America could be the 1st nation to successfully send someone to the moon.
Never give up, even when hope is low.
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was as influential as a coach, leading their team to victory.
During his inauguration speech, JFK spoke to the people.
He said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Everyone needs to work together to make the world a better place.
Civil rights
Freedom, equality
Helping, fighting, protesting
Civil rights do matter
Struggle, peace
2022 Winning and Runner-Up Essays
What JFK Means to Me
By Marah Dasque
John F. Kennedy was inspiring, thoughtful, and a role model. He achieved many things in life and he always tried to help people that needed it.
J.F.K.’s family supported him by voting for him when he became senator and then president. They pushed him to win and to be competitive and that prepared him for later in life. His mother helped him by being super protective when he was a child and that helped him not get into trouble as president and to make good decisions. His family helped him train for the tough challenges he faced in life and all the competitiveness helped him always try to win, like when it was such a close vote for him to be president.
I relate to Jack because I also have a family that pushes me to do my best and helps me when I need it. I have learned from J.F.K. to help people in need and to treat people how I want to be treated!
We should still think about J.F.K. because he made the world a better place. J.F.K.’s family helped him so much to succeed and to complete amazing things. I learned from J.F.K. that we should all treat people equally.
What JFK Means to Me
By Daniel Choi
J.F.K. was courageous, inspiring, and intelligent. J.F.K. was a man who was challenged by many things J.F.K. was also bold, powerful, and an achiever.
J.F.K. was helpful. One of the things that he did that was helpful was saving his crew on the PT-109 patrol torpedo boat. At night a Japanese destroyer split his boat in half. One man was so hurt that he could not swim. That’s when John Fitzgerald Kennedy came and swam for him by putting the life vest’s strap in his mouth. I’m like J.F.K. because I never give up. I am helpful. For example, one day my mom was going to make bread. Then I decided to help her. I also take a leap of faith, and I do my best. I should learn from J.F.K. that you should stand for your ideas.
Overall, we remember J.F.K. because he cared mostly about his people, friendship, peace and equality. If J.F.K. was here today, he would say that we do things because they are best and that you should always try. We learn from J.F.K. that you should spread kindness, courage, and love and to stand up for yourself.
What JFK Means to Me
By Anjali Mahajan
Have you heard of John F. Kennedy? JFK was the 35th president of the U.S.A. He was physically unhealthy but mentally as sharp as a tack. He was president during a hard and scary time. JFK is now known greatly for his bravery and courage.
One day Jack and Joe were playing Chicken. Chicken was a game where two people rode bikes at each other and the first one to swerve was the loser. Joe was sure that Jack was determined to win just once. So when they turned their bikes around Jack and Joe recklessly kept going and then BAM! They crashed. Jack fell off his bike and needed 28 stitches while Joe being a good athlete, managed to not get hurt.
While Jack was patrolling the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific a Japanese Destroyer emerged out of the fog and crashed into the small torpedo boat. The impact of the Japanese Destroyer cracked the boat in half. Two men died instantly from the blow. One more crew member was badly burned and could not swim. Jack, as the captain, got the wounded man on his back and clenched the strap of his life vest in his teeth. After that he and his crew swam five hours to the nearest island. Once they got there the captain used his pocketknife to carve on a coconut shell. The message read: NAURO ISL…COMMANDER…NATIVE KNOWS POS’IT…HE CAN PILOT…11 ALIVE…NEED SMALL BOAT…KENNEDY. Later a boat came. Jack got a Navy Medal and Purple Heart for his bravery.
Another time John F. Kennedy was courageous was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a very scary time for the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union. One day the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba pointed at the U.S. JFK as the president at the time quickly went into action. He set up nukes pointed at the Soviet Union. Then he talked to the president of the USSR and arranged for him to take the nuclear weapons out of Cuba.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a brave and courageous man. I was courageous when I went on a super high ropes course when I could have easily backed down. John F. Kennedy said “children are the worlds most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” John F. Kennedy was very brave throughout his lifetime. Another quote he said was “a man may die, nations may rise and fall but an idea lives on.” The way I remember John Fitzgerald Kennedy today is the president who stopped a nuclear war.
What JFK Means to Me
By Lily Liang
Have you ever thought about a world with people were treated unfairly? Well, John Fitzgerald Kennedy did. So he tried to change it.
JFK thought it was unfair that black people were treated poorly. So in 1963, he worked with MLK Jr. to give black people freedom. He said, “one hundred years of delay have passed since President Lincoln freed the slaves, yet…their grandsons are not fully free. They are not yet freed from the bonds of justice; they are not yet freed from social and economic oppression. And this nation…will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.”
JFK also created the Peace Corps. Volunteers would go to the underdeveloped countries for two years to work and live in a different place. They work as teachers, farmers, doctors, nurses, and builders. It helped many people.
JFK was really rich. He was so rich that he didn’t need all of it! So he donated all his salary to charity. I think JFK helped others just like me. When the Ukraine war started, I donated health supplies to them, just like how he donated money to charity. JFK might have died, but his ideas still live on.
What JFK Means to Me
By Vivian Lim
Did you know JFK created Peace Corps he helped with Civil Rights, his Vice President was Lyndon B. Johnson? JFK was an amazing president to many people. My opinion of JFK is he was great and he’s still helping today.
JFK created the Peace Corps and they help around the world with farming, teaching, building and medicine. I think he’s amazing because he helped in World War II. One day he was on watch and then a Japanese destroyer destroyed the boat and someone got badly injured. So, JFK swam with him on his really bad back. They swam for hours then then they got stuck on a island and survived there for 6 days with his crew. On that island were some islanders so he talked to them and they told him to scratch a message on a coconut shell. When he was done, they spread the message and later people saved him and his crew.
He is a amazing president because he helped with people rights/civil rights and he did a lot to serve our community. His family is nice I think his parents are kinda like mine supportive and caring to there kids. And they help a lot like JFK’s dad helped him with his campaign and my dad helps me with homework and his mom reads to him. My mom watches movies with me.
JFK is an amazing president to me because he helped with a lot like civil rights and more he did a lot to serve our community.
Why JFK is Important to Me
By Nina Karpei
JFK was the 35th president of the U.S.A. HE had a sizable family and eight siblings. He was in the Navy during the World war II. He wrote two bestsellers. JFK is important to me because he stopped the happening the nuclear war. If he hadn’t stopped it, the whole world have been gone by now! JFK signed a treaty with the Soviet Union and banned the testing of nuclear weapons. Soon, the Soviet Union removed the missiles from Cuba. The Soviet-Union had put missiles into Cuba and they were aimed at U.S.A! That was the “Cuban Missile Crisis.” JFK was worried about the missiles and U.S.A. He was worried because the missiles could explode U.S.A. at any moment! JFK traveled to the Soviet Union to “chat” with their leader. They signed a treaty and banded the testing of nuclear weapons or anything like that. The Soviet Union removed the missiles from Cuba. JFK was important to me because he stopped the happening of the nuclear war. He really helped the world by doing that. He still helps the world today! He created the Peace Corps that still the world today. This is why JFK is important to me.
What JFK Means to Me
By Ishaan Narang
John F. Kennedy was the 35th President who went to my school. JFK was born on May 29 1917. He died on November 22 1963. JFK served in the Navy, was involved in politics, and civil rights. His service meant a lot to the USA.
JFK served in the Navy during World War 2. His boat, the PT-109, was sunk by a Japanese Destroyer. He was captain so he led everyone who was still alive to safety. They swam to a nearby island. A few days later some islanders came and they said they were friendly. JFK carved a message in a coconut it said “can pilot…11 alive…need small boat.” The message was given to a commander. Because of his service JFK was given two medals. One of the medals was a purple heart because he got injured during the War. This was given to him before he was president.
JFK was a congressman, Senator, and the first Catholic President. Being a Congressman wasn’t good enough so JFK became a senator. That wasn’t good enough either so he ran for president and he won. He ran as a Democrat against Richard Nixon who was a Republican. JFK only won by a little. JFK was on the first televised debate. They had a debate to say why they would be a better leader. JFK was at the start of stopping segregation and it worked on the Civil Rights Act. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves but their ancestors were not fully free. JFK wanted to stop segregation. Segregation is when colored people are separated from white people. JFK met with Civil Rights Leaders like MLK. But JFK hesitated for two years, but Civil Rights leaders kept going and so did JFK.
As you can see, JFK helped in many ways. My family is connected to JFK because my great-grandfather fought as an Indian warrior in World War 2. Also, sadly he died. Also, my grandfather was in the Indian government. And my dad works for the government now as the Principal Assistant Secretary of Defense [for] Space Policy. I hope to one day help people too.
What JFK Means to Me
By Ellie Dolev
When you think of courage do you think of Harry Potter standing up to Lord Voldemort? Or a person skydiving? Well, I think of JFK! This man was full to the top with it. If you ask me to name all the courageous things he’s done, it would take me all day so I’ll limit it to three. The struggle of his childhood, his time in the Navy, and last but not least, running for President. Enjoy!
Growing up, JFK learned to be courageous because of his family. During his childhood, his dad taught them to play hard and he only accepted first place. This competitive spirit gave him more courage later on. While he was a child, he also played a game called chicken. The point of the game was that: 2 people ride bikes at each other. Whoever swerves is the coward or the “chicken,” and they lose. They were approaching each other, but no one swerved. They crashed, and Joe Jr. stayed on his bike, unscathed, while Jack (JFK’s nickname at the time) fell off and needed 28 stitches. I think this was a factor in his bravery later on.
Another reason why JFK was courageous is that he was in the Navy during World War II. He was the captain of 13 crew members on a scout ship, the PT-109. His crew was scouting when a Japanese destroyer, the “Amagiri,” split their ship in half. One half sank, and two of JFK’s crew were clutching the floating half for dear life. For all JFK’s life, he’d had back injuries, but even with this dilemma, he still managed to guide his crew three miles to the nearest island, towing a very injured crew member by holding his life vest strap in his teeth. Two islanders and their commander helped get them to safety. I think this is another reason he was brave, and he was awarded with a purple heart and a medal. The fact that he had back pain and he still saved his crew was beyond amazing.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” That is a famous quote from JFK’s inauguration speech. It was very brave of him to make this speech, especially since he got poor grades in public speaking as a child. He won presidency by beating out Republican, Richard M. Nixon. JFK was also Catholic. (At that time there had never been a Catholic president) So many people did not want to vote for him. Not to mention the fact that he was only 42. He was very brave to run, with all those odds against him. This is much braver than anything I’ve ever done. In my opinion, he deserved to win the presidency because of his bravery throughout the campaign process.
I hope you now understand how brave JFK truly was. One of the bravest things I’ve ever done is jumping off a 50-foot trapeze holding onto a bar for the first time. JFK could have done that without a fear. “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” – John F. Kennedy.
What JFK Means to Me
By Julia Rogers
JFK was the 35th president of the US. There have been many others but he stands out from the bunch. As a child he was very close with his 8 siblings Joe Junior, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Pat, Bobby, Jean and Teddy. One of the things that JFK was the most famous for is PT-109, which is a boat that JFK manned. It had been out at sea for 5 months, when a Japanese destroyer rammed into it and broke it in half. The crew clung onto the wreckage and waited for help. When no help came the captain (JFK) ordered them to swim to the nearest island. One man was too badly burned to swim. He just said to leave him there but JFK thought it wasn't right. He put the man's life jacket strap between his teeth and swam to the nearest island. The natives teach him how to carve a message into a coconut. He carves: Nauru isl. native knows posit he can pilot 11 alive need small boat kennedy. Then he handed it to a native saying rendova rendova which is the name of an American military base. The next day, they were saved. I think FJK is a leader, from a leader of his family to a leader of the country.
JFK was a leader. He was second oldest, so he had to be. Sometimes though, he was quite unsensible. Like playing chicken. A game where on a bike you go around in a circle with the other person going the opposite way. When you meet in the middle you are headed straight for the other person. The first person to swerve gets called a chicken, hence the name. Once JFK played it with his brother. Now if I were him I would have swerved. So what if Joe can call me a chicken? I don't want to endanger myself over a game. But winning was important to the Kennedys so he did it. He slammed into Joe and went flying off his bike. He had to get 28 stitches. Sometimes Joe was a bully to John. JFK was also a leader of a football team. At a school called Dexter. he went there after FRR. They had a football team and he was elected to be the captain of the football team. Even though at school they weren't well liked because they were the only Irish Catholics, he was elected so that meant he was also sort of liked. He was also the leader of PT-109 and then he was the leader of the country.
I chose this part of JFK's life because I'm a leader when I'm in a group, I take over and get things organized. I also do Ruffin Ridley Readers, a program that our school does. Every night, someone reads a book and then we have a discussion. I read a story about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a book called Giraffes Can't Dance. And then I let a discussion where you ask questions and everyone comes up with answers. Like “Why are you like Gerald” who is the main character in Giraffes Can't Dance? JFK had a lot of other things he was awesome at, but leading was one of them. I hope JFK’s legacy goes on forever.
What JFK Means to Me
By Henry Drake
At first John F. Kennedy was just a boy in his family. His family didn’t expect a lot from him. But his life changed when he became president.
JFK was a hero to a lot of people. He did so many heroic things and some of them saved people’s lives. He even stopped segregation. Segregation is when different people are separated because of their race or how they look. And JFK also stopped the Soviet Union from shooting missiles straight at America! JFK kept going even when his back was in pain or a family member died.
I chose to write about this part of JFK’s life because if he hadn’t stepped up bad things would have happened. Some of them could have affected my family or other people’s families too. But now because of JFK, no more missiles will be shot, no more Japanese Destroyers, and no more segregation. JFK was a hero to all of America.
2021 Class Poem
"The Life of JFK"
By the Florida Ruffin Ridley Third Grade
JFK was as silly as a clown
JFK played a lot of harmless pranks as a child.
JFK taught us to always have fun!
JFK was as caring as a doctor
He cared for Rosemary because she didn’t learn as quickly as others did
JFK taught us to be kind to everyone no matter what.
JFK was as brave as an eagle.
JFK was a war hero.
JFK taught us to leave no man behind.
JFK was as intelligent as an octopus.
JFK made the world a better place.
JFK taught us to treat all people equally, right from wrong, and the importance of helping others.
2021 Winning Essays
What JFK Means to Me
By Ayan Ghael, Ms. Albertini's class
J.F.K was a hard working and helpful man. He showed lots of compassion and leadership. His family helped him be a fantastic president.
J.F.K was a brilliant, thoughtful man. He helped many different people in lots of different ways. In 1941 he served in the navy. He had a boat called the Pt109 and one day it got sliced in half by a Japanese ship. One man was too badly burned to swim so J.F.K put his life jacket in his mouth and swam. He swam for hours until he saw land. He Was stranded on that island for days. J.F.K carved a message into a coconut. Some natives on a boat came by and J.F.K gave the natives the coconut. He told the natives to deliver the message. A rescue party came. When J.F.K got back, he got an award for his bravery and compassion.
J.F.K that if you belive in youself and work hard, you can always achieve you goals.
J.F.K and I are alike because We both like reading, writing, and we both show courage. We are both smart and we both like swimming.
We should remember J.F.K because he was very important. He helped us do things that no other country has done.
What J.F.K Means to Me
By Albeiris Nunez, Mrs. Albertini's class
J.F.K was a successful leader. When he was a young boy his family taught him things so he could be an amazing, caring, inspiring president. J.F.K grew up to be an inspiring leader with the help of his family.
Mrs. Kennedy always took care of the kids but she took care of J.F.K the most because he was very sick. He had scarlet fever and chicken poxs as a little boy. Mrs. Kennedy would Quiz the kids so they could get smarter and be ready for what ever happeneds to them when they were all grown up. When J.F.K was very sick as a little boy he would read or write in bed when he was sick. J.F.K loved reading he would always read and read.
J.F.K and I are alike because we both care a lot about our family. we both love swiming a lot.
I have learned that J.F.K was a caring, amazing president. He was a very loving man and he was a successful, kind man. He never gave up on his goals.
The Bravery of JFK
By Jackson Greene, Ms. Bordieri's class
John Fiztgerald Kennedy (JFK) was born on May 29th 1917 at 83 Beals Street Brookline, MA. He was the 35th President of the US and he was also the youngest President to be elected. But the reason we still remember him today is because of his brave deeds.
When JFK was in the navy he commaded a boat called the PT109. The PT109 was a small PT boat and a crew of 13 men. One night the PT109 was sliced in half by a large Japanese Destroyer. 2 men died instantly, one of the men was too injured to swin so JFK took his life vest strap in his mouth, JFK swam for five hours and got to shore. His surviving crew followed him and also got to land.
Another example of JFK’s bravery was, After he took office there was a plan to overthrow Fidel Castro. Castro had an alliance with the Soviet Union. JFK tried to invade Cuba, but the invasion was a failure. The Soviet Union put missiles on Cuba. Cuba was 90 miles off the coast of Florida. JFK had the US navy make a blockade. There were also some Soviet ships outside the blockade. Were they going to attack? Everyone held their breath. The Soviet ships went away and we weren’t on the brink of war anymore.
Finally, JFK created the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps is an organization that you volunteer for. The volunteers go to other contries and build roads and homes and teach children. What is more is they don’t get paid money! They only get the happiness of helping others. The Peace Corps is still a thing today and still helps people around the world. And it was brave of JFK just to depend on these people to do this for others and be kind at the sametime and not get frustrated.
JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Many were startaled or scared by JFK’s death and many said his presidency ended too soon as JFK once said: “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, But an idea lives on ideas have endurence without death.”
What JFK Means to Me
By Sylvie Klawiter, Ms. Bordieri's class
Do you now what it feels like to have 8 siblings? Well John F Kennedy had 8 siblings 8 competitive siblings, especially his older brother Joe. Joe was always stronger then John, but John (also known by Jack) still never let Joe stomp him down he was known to Jump right back up.
Once they played chickon on their bicycles they zoomed right toward each other both of them refused to swerve, then it happened, at full speed they crashed! The result was 23 stitches for Jack But Joe was fine. It was even their dad’s idea.
Jack was made to tease Joe. One time at the dinner table the family was having chocolate cake Joe liked to save the frosting for the end. So he put the frosting on the plate then when no one was looking Swipe! Jack had takon the frosting and stuffed it in his mouth! Joe got angry and it ended up ina fist fight.
Jack was very sickly as a kid. he was so sickly that he was not allowed to try out for football. that did not stop Jack from trying out for swimming. Soon he was a swimmer that would help him be a war hero.
I think that having a big conpetitive family helped him run for president.
Sadly he was assassinated. It was one of the saddest days in history. JFK once said “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and it’s best hope for the future” One day you might make history like J.FK.
What JFK Means to Me
By Aiden Kawada, Ms. Berggren's class
Have you heard of JFK? You may have, but JFK was a president for three years. He was one of the USA’s most loved presidents. JFK grew up to become the brave, courageous president he was.
JFK was as brave as a hunting tiger. A Japanese Destroyers ship crashed into JFK’s boats, the PT 109. He held someone on his back, holding his life vest’s string in his mouth on a route 5 miles long. Soon an island came in sight!
JFK was courageous as a howling wolf. On the island, he found a coconut, and carved a message with his pocket knife. A patrol boat received his message. A while after, he stood up for civil rights.
Me and JFK are similar in many ways. I love swimming like JFK. I lived through a pandemic too. He loved reading and I do too!
JFK taught us that even when everything is going wrong, we still have enough power to make a big change in the world.
What JFK Means to Me
By Simon Kim, Ms. Berggren's class
JFK was more than just a president. He was a hero. He changed the world so much. JFK is still important to use because of his courage and bravery.
JFK was brave in many ways. When his navy boat was attacked, he swam for five hours holding another person to get to safety. JFK was brave enough to stand up to a lot of people to get resources for minority groups. When his siblings died, he was able to keep going. These are some ways he was courageous and brave.
I am similar to JFK in many ways. I am similar to JFK because I am smart. I am similar to JFK because I am brave and help others. I am similar to JFK because I also like sports. I am similar to JFK in many ways.
JFK taught us to keep going when life pushes you down.
What J.F.K Means to Me
By Clara McGill, Ms. Driscoll's class
“Children are the most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” said J.F.K. I am currently nine years old, and when I read this quote, it inspires me, as the world’s most valuable resource, to do something about the future. But, I can’t do that alone, so I decided, through this essay to share with you all about J.F.K who is a great example of someone who did great things that now help us today. To give you a sense of who he was, he was the 35th President of the United States, was one out of nine children, and served in the Navy in World War II. J.FK was brave and courgeous. I also think that he enforced some great laws that help us today. He was a great leader, worked hard and persevered.
I think J.F.K was brave and courageous because he saved eleven people on a ship of the Navy that was destroyed in World War II. Some great laws that J.F.K enforced were to stop segregation. This helps us today because all people of all races and colors can go to the same school. I think J.F.K was a great leader because he set an example by making peace with the Soviet Union. And finally, I think J.F.K worked hard and persevered because even though he was sickly and had a back problem, he still managed to serve in the Navy and even become President!
One example of how J.F.K made my life better is, if he had not enforced laws against segregation I would not be going to school with people of all different races and colors. He also inspires me to stand up for what’s right. Learning about J.F.K’s life has made a big impact on me as a person.
What JFK Means to Me
By Julian Chin, Ms. Driscoll's class
Have you ever heard of JFK, or John Fitzgerald kennedy? Well, by the end of this essay, you will know A TON about him. JFK was born right here in Brookline. Cool! Right? JFK was a Senator of Massachusetts until 1960, when he was elected President. JFK was one of the absolute BEST Presidents in the United States of America.
JFK was one of the absolute BEST Presidents of the U.S.A because he helped stop segregation. Black, Asian, Latino, and other races were being treated unfairly. JFK helped put a stop to it. JFK also supported the Space Race. If he didn’t, America might have been beaten to the Moon. He also started the Peace Corps. Peace Corp volunteers went to other countries for two years to build, teach, and help with medical needs of people living in third world countries. Lastly, JFK saved millions of Americans by making peace with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was going to bomb parts of Florida, but JFK delayed and eventually stopped that by making peace.
JFK showed that he was brave and courages and wanted to make the world a better place throughout his Presidency. Even though he was assassinated in 1963, his spirit and passion still lives on. I am truly inspired by JFK to be brave and courages and to make the world a better place. This is what JFK means to me.
In 2020, students took house tours of the JFK Birthplace. However, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the rest of the program was cancelled.
"The Life of John F. Kennedy" by Ms. Albertini's class
"Throughout John F. Kennedy's Life" by Ms. Bordieri's class
"John F. Kennedy: A President for Us" by Ms. Driscoll's class
"The Kennedy Way" by Ms. French's class
"Never Give Up!" by Ms. Halverson's class
The culminating ceremony for the 33rd annual "What JFK Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers, and staff from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Class poems are read and essay winners, selected by the students through blind review, are revealed.
The culminating ceremony for the 32nd annual "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Class poems are read and essay winners, selected by the students through blind peer review, are revealed.
The culminating ceremony for the 31st annual "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Class poems are read and essay winners, selected by the students through blind peer review, are revealed.
The culminating ceremony for the 30th annual "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Class poems are read and essay winners, selected by students through blind peer review, are revealed.
The culminating ceremony for the 29th annual "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Class poems are read and essay winners, selected by students through blind peer review, are revealed.
The award ceremony for the "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
The award ceremony for the "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me" Essay and Poetry Program is attended by students, family, friends, teachers, government officials, park rangers and staff from the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
Images on this page courtesy of NPS, Kennedy NHS. Second photo from the top by Matt Teuten. Photos in the photo gallery are by Matt Teuten.