What John F. Kennedy Means to Me Archive

Students at What JFK Means to Me ceremony

For over thirty years, John F. Kennedy National Historic Site has worked with the Ruffin Ridley School to offer third graders a special program called "What John F. Kennedy Means to Me." During the program, the students study JFK, visit his birthplace and presidential library, and then write about what they have learned in essays and poems. Students select winners and runners up by voting for their favorite through a blind peer review.

This page contains an archive of photos from 2011 to the present. It also contains essays and poems from 2018 to the present.



2022 Class Poems

3A Ms. Albertini-Class Poem (Biographical Style):

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Brother to five sisters and three brothers
Son of Joseph and Rose
Fearless, responsible, determined
He saved his men when a destroyer crashed into the PT-109
JFK worked hard to save his crew members
He imagined a world without war
JFK teaches us to be helpful, courageous, and kind

Inspiring, intelligent, leader
JFK felt strongly about everyone having a better life, so he created the Peace Corps
He worked hard to help people in need and to improve our world
He imagined a world where everyone has food and shelter
JFK teaches us the importance of trying things even if they seem impossible and, of treating others respectfully

Helpful, thoughtful, bold
JFK felt strongly about equality and about people of all colors being together
He worked hard to change unfair laws and stop segregation
He imagined a world where everyone is treated fairly
JFK teaches us the importance of standing up for what you believe in

Achiever, believer, determined
JFK felt strongly about taking challenges and about not giving up
He worked hard to get a man to the moon
He imagined a world where we work together to achieve goals
JFK teaches us the importance of challenging ourselves and of taking a leap of faith

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

3B Ms. Bordieri - Class Poem (Tanka Style):

John F. Kennedy’s
Boat got cut in half after
Two men passed away
He carved words on a coconut
Brave, persistent, and helpful

Kennedy, Peace Corps
Helps reconstruct poor countries
People come, work hard
What can you do for others?
He was generous and kind.

Russia put missiles
Cuba close, nuclear war?
JFK stopped it
He stopped a very big war
JFK was very brave

Some were not equal
People were segregated
Some felt unhappy
Helped people get the same rights
Thoughtful, determined, caring

3D Ms. Driscoll - Class Poem:

John likes to read books
John was brave and he was smart
Was a good swimmer

He had eight siblings
He was second of nine kids
Jack was his nickname

Jack’s boat was broken
Jack wrote in a coconut
J.F.K. was saved

Missiles in Cuba
Dangerous situation
John saved us from war

Racing to the moon
Space can be hard to get to
They got to the moon

Peace Corps helps the world
Very memorable speech
He is remembered!

3G Ms. Gallagher - Class Poem (Simile Style):

Jack was as mischievous as a monkey trying to steal a banana.
Growing up, he would get in trouble because of the pranks he would play,
Always have a sense of humor.

John was as daring as a person swimming in shark infested waters.
During World War II in the navy, JFK saved a very injured crewmate while he was also in pain.
Do the right thing no matter what the consequence may be.

JFK was as persistent as a plant sprouting from the ground.
Even though others opposed him, JFK still stood up for Civil Rights and fought for equal rights.
If you don’t have faith in yourself, you won’t triumph.

President Kennedy was as hopeful as a soccer player wanting to win the World Cup.
He believed that America could be the 1st nation to successfully send someone to the moon.
Never give up, even when hope is low.

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was as influential as a coach, leading their team to victory.
During his inauguration speech, JFK spoke to the people.
He said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Everyone needs to work together to make the world a better place.

3W Ms. Weiman- Class Poem (Cinquain Style):

Family, competitive
Fighting, leading, pranking
JFK was constantly ill
Start, juvenile

Big, wealthy
Loving, competing, expecting
A powerful, Irish family
Connected, generations

Grades, trouble
Clowning, competing, charming
Messing around in class
Education, preparation

PT 109
War, destroyed
Swimming, risking, commanding
Helping other people survive
Patrol, missile

Busy, speeches
Working, thinking, writing
Helping bring people peace
Leader, peace

Civil rights
Freedom, equality
Helping, fighting, protesting
Civil rights do matter
Struggle, peace

2022 Winning and Runner-Up Essays




2021 Class Poem

"The Life of JFK"
By the Florida Ruffin Ridley Third Grade

JFK was as silly as a clown
JFK played a lot of harmless pranks as a child.
JFK taught us to always have fun!

JFK was as caring as a doctor
He cared for Rosemary because she didn’t learn as quickly as others did
JFK taught us to be kind to everyone no matter what.

JFK was as brave as an eagle.
JFK was a war hero.
JFK taught us to leave no man behind.

JFK was as intelligent as an octopus.
JFK made the world a better place.
JFK taught us to treat all people equally, right from wrong, and the importance of helping others.

2021 Winning Essays




In 2020, students took house tours of the JFK Birthplace. However, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the rest of the program was cancelled.


2019 Class Poems

"The Life of John F. Kennedy" by Ms. Albertini's class
"Throughout John F. Kennedy's Life" by Ms. Bordieri's class
"John F. Kennedy: A President for Us" by Ms. Driscoll's class
"The Kennedy Way" by Ms. French's class
"Never Give Up!" by Ms. Halverson's class

2019 Winning Essays

Ms. Albertini
Naama Sade Feldman, runner-up
Ian Falck, winner

Ms. Bordieri
Nina Ghael, runner-up
Samatha Griffin, winner

Ms. Driscoll
Benjamin Schultheis, runner-up
Sophie Isla, winner

Ms. French
Yehonatan Davidi, runner-up
Hannah Cote, winner

Ms. Halverson
Itai Alon, runner-up
Freya Margureta Lipovsek Hoek, winner


Images on this page courtesy of NPS, Kennedy NHS. Second photo from the top by Matt Teuten. Photos in the photo gallery are by Matt Teuten.

Last updated: February 7, 2024

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