Due to the planned installation of an emergency generator there will be no cave tours from Monday, March 24th-Friday, March 28th. Also, the visitor center will also be closed on Tuesday, March 25th due to loss of power from this project.
The largest snake in South Dakota, bull snakes are efficient predators of mammals as large as rabbits at Jewel Cave National Monument.
NPS Photo
Bull Snake Pituophis catenifer sayi
A heavy-bodied snake ranging in length from 37 to 72 inches.
Bull snakes vary in temperament, some are docile while others react very defensively toward anyone who gets close to them.
Known to imitate a rattlesnake when threatened by coiling up and raising up its tail and shaking it like a rattlesnake would do.
Usually yellow, with brown, white, black, or sometimes reddish blotching.
The blotching pattern is large blotches on top, three sets of spots on the sides, and bands of black on the tail.
Diet consits primarily of small mammals such as mice, voles, and rabbits. They are also known to eat birds, bird eggs, and other snakes.
Interaction with other animals
Like most other snakes, bull snakes fall prey to other snakes, weasels, coyotes, foxes, and most birds of prey.
Last updated: February 3, 2024
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Mailing Address:
11149 U.S. Hwy. 16
Building B12
605 673-8300
The main phone line connects visitors with staff at the visitor center. Throughout the year, the phone line is monitored by staff on a daily basis, excluding holidays and days with limited visitor services. Please be advised that after-hours messages are not taken on the system; visitors are encouraged to call the visitor center during normal operations and speak with a park ranger for assistance.