Collecting data from natural resource science activities is the first step to understanding the ecosystems within and around our parks. With these data, park managers are able to make informed decisions about the natural resources entrusted to their care.
To preserve the integrity, utility, security, and availability of data for the long-term, the Pacific Island Network actively manages its data and information. Detailed procedures are outlined in the network's Data Management Plan.
To facilitate scientific exploration and research, all non-sensitive data are available for use and analysis. Tabular and spatial data, reports, publications, and metadata are available from the Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) portal. Project databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data, metadata, reports, and publications are regularly uploaded to the site. A number of published documents, such as protocols, are also available for download from the Reports & Publications page.
Learn more about
- Inventory and Monitoring Data Management, including standards and guidelines
- The IRMA Portal - a gateway to National Park Service resource information
- The IRMA Data Store - a repository for reports, publications, documents, and data sets
Last updated: April 20, 2018