Vital Signs on Hold

We've hit the "pause" button on these vital signs. We're no longer monitoring them for the time being. But check them out. See why we think they are important and what we have learned already.

Vital Signs On Hold

  • Section of sandy beach occupied by multiple pinniped species

    Pinnipeds are top level carnivores at the Channel Islands and are sensitive to prey population changes, weather, pollution, and disturbance.

  • Winding channel of Old Ranch Canyon Lagoon with a sandy beach beyond
    Sandy Beaches & Lagoons

    Park researchers use a variety of sampling techniques to monitor the population dynamics of beach and lagoon organisms.

  • Two scientists wading through a stream carrying nets
    Stream Condition

    The Santa Monica Mountains and Channel Islands are graced with numerous streams that support a diverse aquatic community.

Last updated: September 26, 2024