- Locations: Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve, Redwood National and State Parks, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
In this issue of the Klamath Kaleidoscope, we share updates about white-nose syndrome in bats and how we are addressing it, learning from fire at Lassen Volcanic National Park, new network staff and other new faces offering valuable support to network parks, and we highlight where bat intern, Kira Ware has landed in her career. Scroll down for updates from vital sign monitoring this past summer and recent outreach and publications.
- Locations: Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve, Redwood National and State Parks, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
In this issue of the Klamath Kaleidoscope, we discuss the listing of whitebark pine as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, say farewell to interim vegetation program lead Jackie Lucero, share updates from lake chemistry monitoring after the Dixie Fire, celebrate bat outreach at Lassen Volcanic National Park, and highlight where lake crewmember, Daniel Chambers, has landed in his career.
- Locations: Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve, Redwood National and State Parks, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
In this issue of the Klamath Kaleidoscope, we welcome the network’s new vegetation program lead, share updates to our invasive species early detection protocol, and summarize good news from the second year of water chemistry sampling for heavy metals and insecticides in network parks. We also welcome the contributions of temporary staff joining our team this year, and highlight where science writing intern, Natalie DiNenno, has landed in her career.
- Locations: Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve, Redwood National and State Parks, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
In this issue of the Klamath Kaleidoscope, we share an article about the rocky intertidal community, as well as news about post-Dixie Fire monitoring, the upcoming Klamath Conversations gathering, vital sign monitoring this past year, and recent publications. We also highlight news about Klamath Network people, including Sean Smith’s departure, Sonya Daw’s award, intern Sarah Gwynn’s experience, and where our 2011 intern, Shadassa Ourshalimian, has landed in his career.
- Locations: Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Lava Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve, Redwood National and State Parks, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
In this issue of the Klamath Kaleidoscope, we share news of the newly published geologic type section inventory of Klamath Network parks, the latest results from white-nose syndrome monitoring in bats, our new data workflow system, updates from 2021 vital signs monitoring, and recent publications. We also highlight news about Klamath Network people, including Addis Gonzalez, Sean Mohren, Sonya Daw, Jennifer Chenoweth, and Elizabeth Raynal.
Source: Data Store Saved Search 597. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.
Last updated: November 24, 2021