The Klamath region includes a broad range of topography, elevation, and corresponding climate and vegetation that creates a rich biodiversity. In particular, bird species in the Klamath region are incredibly diverse, and landbirds have been monitored in all six network parks since 2008.
Landbirds are an effective tool for monitoring because: (1) many species are easily and inexpensively detected, (2) standardized sampling protocols had already been developed, (3) landbird species respond to a wide variety of habitat conditions, and (4) measuring status and trends for many species with different ecological requirements can inform landscape scale conservation strategies.
Klamath Inventory and Monitoring Networks landbird protocol contributes to regional and continental bird monitoring and is integrated with an extensive regional bird monitoring network. This effort has yielded a substantial regional dataset with information about landbird distribution, population trends, and population demographics.
Objectives are to:
- Monitor status and trends in breeding landbird richness, relative abundance, and density.
- Co-sample habitat parameters and integrate bird and vegetation monitoring to aid in interpretation of landbird status and trends.
- Determine status and trends in demographic parameters (productivity, adult survival, and recruitment) for selected landbird species.
We measure:
- In variable circular plots- species, time, distance, detection method, and breeding status.
- In mist nets- band number, species, age, sex, breeding condition, and other biometrics.
- Vegetation surveys- cover and height for trees and shrubs, snag counts, tree size.
Monitoring Documents
Source: Data Store Saved Search 614. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.
Source: Data Store Saved Search 3346. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.
Last updated: January 12, 2023