The Gifford House lies in the heart of the Fruita valley and depicts the typical spartan nature of rural Utah farm homes of the early 1900s. Today, the home is open seasonally, as a small sales outlet.
Imagine homesteading this area with your family. Would more children make it easier? Elijah Cutler Behunin, his wife Tabitha Jane, and their 13 children lived in this cabin and the alcove above for just one year.
Learn about the lives of modern women who lived in the Capitol Reef region. Learn about Cora Oyler Smith, Elizabeth Russell Lewis Sprang King, Harriette Greener Kelly, and Alice Knee.
Discover the lives of early pioneer women who settled in Fruita, Utah (now in Capitol Reef National Park). These women were teachers, homesteaders, mothers, and midwives. Learn more about Rena Holt, Mary Jane Behunin Johnson Cooper, Nettie Behunin Noyes, and Thisbe Read Hanks.