Arter Bugg (also known as: Etta Rugg, Otto Brigg, Etta Bugg, Otto, Ardis, Ardor Bugg) was born March 1869 to Simon Bugg of Columbia County, Georgia and his wife Georgia “Fathy” White of Virginia. In 1870, Simon and Fathy resided in a rented farmhouse outside of Homer, LA, with three daughters and two sons.
Alfred Davis, originally from Bienville Parish, Louisiana, filed Homestead Application No. 10677 on January 25, 1905 and paid a filing fee of $6.00. Due to the long distance from his home in Bienville Parish, to the District Land Office in Natchitoches, Louisiana, he submitted an affidavit in Arcadia, Louisiana stating he was over the age of 21.
On May 22, 1876, in New Orleans, Gumersindo Vidal married Delphine Batice, the sister of notable homesteaders Charles Baptiste (holder of patent #5274) and Peter Baptiste (patent #5410). The couple also adopted a daughter.
Prior to settling in Livingston Parish, Gumersindo worked as a Cigar Maker in New Orleans.
Charley Cyprien filed his claim for 80.09 acres under the Homestead Act of 1862. The land’s official description is the S1/2 of SE1/4 of Section Two in Township Five South and Range Eight East of the St. Helena Principal Meridian. The original application date was January 28, 1882.
Alfred, his wife Sallie and their children were enumerated on the 1880 Claiborne Parish, Louisiana Census, (Ward 4; page 305). Alfred age 32, was born in Arkansas whereas his wife Sallie was born 1845 in Georgia. Their children included; Haywood age 15, Henry age 13, Riller Ann age 11, Jackson age 8, Roser age 4, and Martha age 2. During the census year another daughter Frances was born.
The 1870 United States Census record for Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana has enumerated a “Maria Adkins” born 1805 in Virginia, living with a man named Friday Adkins age ninety-five born in Virginia and a young boy named York H.
Charles filed Homestead Application #011606 under the Homestead Act of 1862 at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He submitted three applications before receiving approval for his land. The original application was filed March 5, 1927, a second homestead entry was filed on December 9, 1927, and the final application was filed on January 26, 1929.
Phoebe Franklin filed her Homestead application #13822 on March 10, 1892. She established continuous residency in 1874 cultivating 6 acres containing a small "shanty" house, corn crib, cotton house and outhouse, all valued at $100.
Moses Brumfield signed his Homestead Application with the mark of an “X”. Brumfield's Final Proof testimony stated that he had no family. He also stated that he had lived on the land since January1875 and cleared 20 acres for cultivation which was fenced. In addition, he raised corn, cotton, oats, and sweet potatoes. His dwellings included a house, smoke house, barn stable, and other out houses. The value of his improvements totaled $500.