In addition to park fire regulations:
. Smoking limited to inside a vehicle.
· No open fires (this includes wood, charcoal and/or gas fire pits) are permitted anywhere in the park.
· Use of gas canister stoves for cooking are still allowed at this time
While a cell phone makes a handy camera to document your park adventures, be wary of relying on it for too much.
NPS Illustration
Proper Prior Planning
To ensure you have the best experience while day hiking in the park, these articles will help you prepare by learning more about what to expect, what to pack, and what rules you need to know before you hit the trails.
When planning a trip:
• Make a packing list - research the activity you selected and make sure that you and group members have the required gear (e.g. hiking boots, life jackets) including the 11 Essentials.
• Do a test run - learn how to use your equipment properly. Make sure it works and that items like hiking boots, backpacks, and life jackets fit correctly.
• Decide who is going to carry the equipment. Make sure that water is distributed to everyone.
As with most activities, hikers face potential risks. Knowledge and preparation can increase your comfort level and reduce your chances of injury. Remember, you are ultimately responsible for your own safety.
Nothing can spoil a trip in the Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness as quickly as the discovery of human waste or toilet paper at a prime camping spot or along the trail. Always use the restroom before hiking. If you are on the trail for the day or an extended trip, be prepared to pack out human waste, toilet paper, diapers, and hygiene products. Human waste disposal bags are highly recommended to transport solid waste.
There are a variety of rules and regulations that dictate how the parks must be managed. These laws and regulations help us protect park resources while also providing visitors with a safe and enjoyable experience.
In order to protect sensitive ecosystems and limit the impacts on the natural landscape, day-use hiking groups may not be larger than twenty persons on any trails in the park. This page provides suggestions on how to split your group up in order to preserve Wilderness character, and limit adverse impacts on park resources.
No matter what activity you choose, it is important to plan ahead. Make a fun adventure a safe adventure! Having the Ten Essentials with you can help you be prepared for minor injuries, sudden weather changes, or unexpected delays. An often overlooked eleventh essential is toiletries.
Guadalupe Mountains National Park is in the Mountain Time Zone. Visitors relying on electronic devices may be misled, as cell signal service for the park comes from towers located in the Central Time Zone. We strongly suggest that you set your phone or other device to Mountain time during your visit.
Opportunities for pets are limited. Leashed pets may walk on the short Pine Springs Campground connector trail or along the Pinery Trail from the visitor center to the Butterfield Stage Station.
Search and rescue actions are conducted on a discretionary basis. The level and necessity of the response is determined through evaluation of the situation by field personnel. Rescuer safety is always our first priority. This park expects visitors to exhibit a high degree of self-reliance and responsibility for their own safety in line with the difficulty of their chosen activities. There is little to no cell reception in most areas of the park.
Each of us plays a vital role in protecting our national parks. As we spend time outdoors, in the natural world and in wilderness, it’s important to be conscious of the effects our actions may have on plants, animals, other people, and even entire ecosystems. Following the Leave No Trace Seven Principles, summarized below, can help us minimize those impacts.
When you reach a summit or other destination in the park, take a group photo or selfie in areas of the park and post to social media and include the hashtag #GuadalupeMountains #guadalupepeak #hunterpeak #lostpeak or others hashtags using your device and social media service.