Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center

Researcher heads down grass path toward looming mountain
A researcher heads into Glacier National Park's backcountry.

NPS/Melissa Sladek


Research Assistance and Fellowships

The CCRLC assists researchers by providing research permits, housing, laboratory, and field support. In addition, we offer funding through the Jerry O'Neal Research Fellowship, which supports graduate student research in Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, and Glacier National Park. Glacier's George C. Rhule Library provides additional resources for park staff and researchers.

Sharing Scientific Research and Results

Communicating science is one of the CCRLC's primary roles. We use a variety of methods to connect front-line park staff, park managers, and the public with current research results. Media tools, such as the CCRLC website, publications, and videos, describe current research projects and avenues to get involved. The Brown Bag Lecture Series, which features various researchers and staff, and events such as our annual Waterton-Glacier Science and History Day, also help communicate recent natural and cultural research.

Education Opportunities and Internships

Glacier's Citizen Science Program is another important component of the CCRLC. The program uses trained volunteers to collect scientific information, enhancing our understanding of specific resources of concern while engaging citizens in the stewardship of protected landscapes. CCRLC also offers seasonal positions and internships in field research, science communication, and sustainability.

Through our efforts, the CCRLC combines science and education to help preserve and protect areas of national significance. Please browse our other pages and contact us if you have questions.

Last updated: March 1, 2019

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 128
West Glacier, MT 59936



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