Jamaica Bay: Plight & Promise- A Sharing of Research Perspectives

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An open dialogue between researchers, teachers and the public is key to creating successful stewards of Jamaica Bay.
Speakers from the second half of the Jamaica Bay: Plight & Promise conference gather for the Question & Answer portion of the day.

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“Jamaica Bay: Plight and Promise” conference represented the first joint conference for researchers and educators made possible by collaboration between Gateway NRA’s Jamaica Bay Institute, the National Parks of New York Harbor Education Center, the City University of New York at Brooklyn College, and the College of Staten Island. It marked the first time that a deliberate effort has been made to bring these groups together, reinforcing that sound education is based on sound science and that having access to up-to-date scholarship and research is critical to designing educational programs. Fourteen field scientists from the National Park Service, Hofstra University, St. John’s University, McGill University, and the City University of New York presented findings of their research work in Jamaica Bay to date and painted a cohesive picture portraying the plight of one of the richest and most diversified ecosystems on the East Coast.

View Program Booklet containing presenters abstracts and contact information


The Nature of Environmental Restoration in the City- Mark Bain

Black Crowned Night Heron Population Ecology in Gateway National Recreation Area- Andrew J. Bernick

Bird Banding Mapping Station at Fort Tilden, Gateway National Recreation Area- Robert Brown

Diamondback Terrapins in Jamaica Bay: Combining Scientific Research , Conservation, and Environmental Education- Russell L. Burke

Herpetofaunal Community Restoration at Gateway National Recreation Area- Robert P. Cook

Application of Citizen Science and GIS Technologies to the Field of Invasion Biology- David G. Delaney

Atlantic Silversides as a New Model Organism for Assessment of Environmental Endocrine Disruption- Tara A. Duffy

Invertebrate Communities in Jamaica Bay- David R. Franz

Mosquitoes, Birds, and transmission Patterns of West Nile Virus- Howard S. Ginsberg

An Examination of Predatory Pressures on Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) Nesting at Breezy Point, New York- Brooke Lauro

Jamaica Bay Marsh Islands Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Program- Patricia S. Rafferty

Assessment of the Use of Stable Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Monitoring Anthropogenic Nutrient Inputs to Estuarine Systems- Charles Roman

Monitoring and Restoration of Estuarine Systems in Jamaica Bay- Martin P. Schreibman

Horseshoe Crab Spawning Activity Survey- Matt Sclafani

Parkwide Vegetation Inventory and Mapping of Threatened Plant Species- Richard Stalter

Last updated: May 9, 2018

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