News Release

Fort Laramie NHS to Host Special Event Western Encounters

Western Encounters

A man in a fancy dance costume dancing at Fort Laramie.
Join the Wind River Dancers and more at Fort Laramie's Western Encounters

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News Release Date: August 9, 2021

Contact: Eric Valencia, 307-837-2221 #3011

(Fort Laramie, WY) Join Fort Laramie National Historic Site on August 14-15, 2021, for a special event entitled Western Encounters. Fort Laramie NHS preserves many stories of the past and present which reflect a diverse cultural identity. For this special event Fort Laramie NHS brings together some of the foremost Living Historians of the West to present programs of the diverse nature of Western culture and communication. These stories urge us toward a more inclusive future and a comprehensive national identity. During this special event visitors will encounter many of the diverse individuals associated with the rich history of the Fort.  


Our story… 


Saturday, August 14  

  • 9:30 am “The Fine Art of Communication in the 19th Century” – Living Historian Marla Matkin will examine the workings of 19th Century communication. From the latest technology of the time to the artistic and social ways of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings and expectations. As humans, we not only desire, but require interaction through communication. Whether the 19th Century or the 21st Century, no matter your skill level, people communicate daily. How was it done in the 19th Century, come along and find out? 
  • 11:00 am - "The Female Revenant" – Living Historian Kris Swanson tells the story of Marie Dorion and her heroic journey in 1810. Learn of the courage, uncompromising physical strength, mental anguish, and true love and devotion to her husband and family during a 3500-mile, 13-month trek to Astoria, Oregon.  
  • 12:30 pm “Historic Weapons Demonstration” – Feel the effectiveness of the of the 12-pound Mountain Howitzer and become part of an artillery battery on the Northern Great Plains. 
  • 2:00 pm - “The Fine Art of Communication in the 19th Century” Living Historian Marla Matkin will examine the workings of 19th Century communication. From the latest technology of the time to the artistic and social ways of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings and expectations. As humans, we not only desire, but require interaction through communication. Whether the 19th Century or the 21st Century, no matter your skill level, people communicate daily. How was it done in the 19th Century, come along and find out?  
  • 3:30 pm - Wind River Dancers: “A Cultural Heritage Shared Through Dance and Song” – Join us as we celebrate Native American culture and heritage featuring the Wind River Dancers. The renowned Wind River Dancers perform a variety of American Indian dance styles, which are comprised of men’s traditional, women’s fancy shawl, and jingle dress, to name a few. Throughout the presentation the dance styles are explained to the audience to share Native American culture and heritage. 
  • 5:00 pm - “Women in the American Fur Trade” – The importance of women to the success of American fur trade activities has always been underplayed and Living Historian Kris Swanson seeks to remedy that by illustrating the critical role women took in making the trade function. 

Sunday, August 15 


  • 10:00 am - “The Fine Art of Communication in the 19th Century” – Living Historian Marla Matkin will examine the workings of 19th Century communication. From the latest technology of the time to the artistic and social ways of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings and expectations. As humans, we not only desire, but require interaction through communication. Whether the 19th Century or the 21st Century, no matter your skill level, people communicate daily. How was it done in the 19th Century, come along and find out? 
  • 11:30 pm - “Women in the American Fur Trade” – The importance of women to the success of American fur trade activities has always been underplayed and Living Historian Kris Swanson seeks to remedy that by illustrating the critical role women took in making the trade function. 
  • 1:00 pm - “The Fine Art of Communication in the 19th Century” Living Historian Marla Matkin will examine the workings of 19th Century communication. From the latest technology of the time to the artistic and social ways of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings and expectations. As humans, we not only desire, but require interaction through communication. Whether the 19th Century or the 21st Century, no matter your skill level, people communicate daily. How was it done in the 19th Century, come along and find out? 
  • 2:30 pm - "The Female Revenant" – Living Historian Kris Swanson tells the story of Marie Dorion and her heroic journey in 1810. Learn of the courage, uncompromising physical strength, mental anguish, and true love and devotion to her husband and family during a 3500-mile, 13-month trek to Astoria, Oregon.  


The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners continues to be paramount. At Fort Laramie NHS, our operational approach will be to examine each facility function and service provided to ensure those operations comply with current public health guidance and will be regularly monitored to ensure a are safe and clean environment for visitors, employees, partners, and volunteers. 


The NPS encourages people to take advantage of the many digital tools available to explore. Updates about NPS operations will be posted on Please check with Fort Laramie NHS for specific details about park operationsFor more information visit the park website at or call the park at 307-837-2221. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.    

Last updated: August 14, 2021

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307 837-2221

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