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Contact: Linda Friar, 305-242-7714
“Stalking the Wild Photograph” A photo exhibit by Katy Dimos and Eric Raits, of Homestead, Florida, titled “Stalking the Wild Photograph,” will be on view at the Ernest F. Coe Visitor’s Center at the main entrance, Everglades National Park, 40001 State Road 9336, Homestead, Florida from May 1st through May 31st, 2007. Katy and Eric, members of the Homestead Art Club, spend most of their spare time exploring and photographing the Everglades with the aim of sharing their vision of Everglades National Park as being one of the most beautiful places on earth. Katy’s approach to photography (and life) has been influenced strongly by Annie Dillard’s book, “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” and can be summed up in Dillard’s statement: “We wake, if ever we wake at all, to mystery.” “We put on snake boots and mosquito repellent and walk out into the sawgrass and the cypress domes so you don’t have to,” says Eric, addressing the casual visitor. Katy and Eric are both largely self-taught photographers, though they have studied the art intensely during the last five years. They credit the influence of the philosophy of photographers Ansel Adams and Clyde Butcher, and Miami painter Paul Crockett, on their work and recently attended a seminar given by Butcher in Sarasota, FL. They both use Nikon digital equipment and a variety of software for post processing, mostly Adobe Photoshop and Nikon Capture NX. “We spend around two hours in our digital darkroom for every hour of actual photography,” they estimated. -NPS- |
Last updated: April 14, 2015