News Release

Park Rangers Rescue Man in Steep Gully

Looking up a steep tan-color slope with loose gray rocks. A black circle added to the photo indicates the hiker's location where the slope becomes completely vertical.
The stranded hiker's location is indicated by the black circle. Park rangers scrambled up this steep slope to reach the man, then used ropes to lower him.

NPS/Spencer Solomon

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News Release Date: January 19, 2025

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Contact: Abby Wines, 760-786-3221

DEATH VALLEY, Calif. – Park rangers successfully rescued a stranded hiker from a steep and unstable gully in Death Valley National Park on January 15, following a challenging evening operation.

Two men from Belgium had set out for a short hike in Mosaic Canyon. At a canyon junction, the pair decided to split up. One hiker stayed on the main trail, while the other ventured into a side canyon, planning to loop back to the trail further up.  

However, the side canyon grew steeper and more unstable as the hiker climbed, eventually leaving him unable to proceed further or safely descend. He was stranded about ½ mile from the trail wearing only a t-shirt and carrying no extra clothing, food, or water. Fortunately, the hiker had a satellite-enabled phone and called for help.

Park rangers scaled the steep, loose slope and reached the man 40 minutes after sunset. VX-31, a rescue helicopter from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, was also dispatched. However, rangers deemed it too dangerous to hoist the hiker due to the risk of downdraft winds from the helicopter’s rotors dislodging loose rocks above him.

To ensure a safe rescue, the park rangers tied webbing around a boulder to create an anchor point.  The rangers provided the hiker with a harness and helmet before lowering him down the steep slope. Both rangers then rappelled down the cliff to complete the descent.

The rescue operation concluded successfully, with the group reaching the trailhead around 7 pm.

Last updated: January 19, 2025

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