Summer access to facilities and services in Denali remains altered due to the Pretty Rocks Landslide and the associated closure of the Park Road at Mile 43. Check here for more information on what to expect. More
CUA: Guided Hiking Frontcountry- Kantishna/ Wonder Lake
Park Specific Stipulations: Guided Day Hiking- Kantishna and Wonder Lake
Permitted Activities
Guided Day Hiking and the following incidental activities: naturalist walks, incidental photography, and bird watching.
Use of the Mile 87.5 Parking Area as a location for the drop off and pick up of unguided visitors.
Designated Areas for Use
Authorized trails and backcountry units in the Kantishna and Wonder Lake area (see map).
Group Size
A total of two (2) vehicles may be parked at Mile 87.5 Parking Area, including vehicles associated with guided hikes on Blueberry Hill.
Maximum group size 12, inclusive of guide/ employee, for all guided hiking.
Guide Certification
Basic first-aid, CPR, and Leave No Trace certifications are required for Denali CUA holders. No additional certifications are required for this activity.
Safety and Resource Protection
Kantishna is a historic mining district with hazards like adits and abandoned explosives. CUA holders must inform staff of these dangers and report any found to NPS. Groups may not enter abandoned buildings, adits, or mine openings.
Additional Regulations and Considerations
Kantishna Area
Covers Mile 88 to Kantishna Airstrip, including Backcountry Units 41, 42, 43.
Some access routes cross private land (see Interior Region 11 Alaska Conditions, #11).
Quigly Cabin
CUA holders receive a key to Quigley Cabin for guided activities. Guides must accompany guests. Avoid 12–3 PM (June 8–Road Lottery) due to NPS use. Coordinate with other operators. Guides must complete NPS cultural resource training.
Wonder Lake Area
Only one commercial group per trail at a time (except the evening program).
Coordination with other operators encouraged.
Guides must accompany guests.
McKinley Bar Trail
Max six hikes per week.
Two vehicles per CUA holder at the trailhead.
Groups may turn around at the campground bus stop but cannot park at or drive through the campground.
Blueberry Hill
Hiking limited to the designated knoll to the southeast of the inlet on the north end of Wonder Lake.
Follow the NPS-designated route.
Two vehicles per CUA holder at Mile 87.5 parking.
Reflection Pond
Stay on the trail; no access beyond the pond.
One vehicle per CUA holder at Reflection Pond parking area.
Wonder Lake Campground Evening Program
CUA holders may attend with guests.
Parking determined each spring.
Unauthorized Activities
Vehicle transportation to and from Kantishna on the Denali Park Road is not authorized as part of this CUA. CUA holders must have an existing road permit to access an inholding.
Drop off and pick up for unguided visitors east of the Old Park boundary at Mile 88 is prohibited, except as outlined above.
Parking and staging a vehicle at the Kantishna Airstrip is prohibited.
Parking or passenger drop-off at the north end of Wonder Lake is prohibited, except for physically disabled individuals. If they cannot walk from the gravel pit, use the east pull-out to off-load, then move the vehicle to Mile 87.5 Parking.
Download or print these stipulations. CUA holders and their employees are responsible for knowing and following all rules.
907 683-9532
A ranger is available 9 am to 4 pm daily (except on major holidays). If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message and we'll call you back as soon as we finish with the previous caller.