Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Crews made it to the top of Sable Pass yesterday (Mile 39). The snow depth has increased the further west we plow as usual. The consistency of the snow has remained the same through the duration of SRO. A hard crust with sugar like snow underneath. This creates a sand like effect for traction on all of our equipment but has not proven to be a problem beyond some level of frustration when operating the dozer on larger drifts.
Steam Crew Locations: Sanctuary flats, Upper Hogan, lower hogan, mile 4, mile 35, and mile 36
Snow Depths: Average of 40'' and the deepest was 6'
Aufeis Depths: Small amount of ice over the road at mile 36
Road Open to Public Traffic: Savage River Bridge
Equipment Status: All is well. Thanks auto shop.
Road Crew Staff On-Duty Today: Paul Franke, Martin Weiner, Bob James, Mary Pearson, Mike McAloon, Stacey Skrivanek, and Lance Greene
Current Weather Forecast. Warmer drier weather in the forecast.
Current Weather at HQ: Overcast and 39 above
Wildlife Sightings: 40 plus Caribou spotted running down Tek river on the east side of the bridge. No signs of a predator in chase and the crew came upon them while they were already running. A rare sighting anymore. 6 caribou, 1 moose and 2 gray jays were spotted the day before.
Notes/Observations/Comments: With a warm and dry forecast, we hope to have the road from Savage to Tek in good shape and open before long.
« Spring Road Opening
March 30, 2016
Last updated: March 30, 2016