Special Use Permits

If you are planning a large event, such as a bicycle tour or foot race, please email the Fees Office at COLM_Permits@nps.gov before submitting an application.

Special events give the permitee permission to use certain spaces and resources within Colorado National Monument. Special events differ from public assemblies and public meetings in that the latter activities are rights protected by the First Amendment. Permitees are required to adhere to certain restrictions as part of their permit.

You can apply for a Special Use Permit by completing this form and emailing it to COLM_PERMITS@nps.gov. Application fees can be paid over the phone with a credit card after submitting your application.

Special events include but are not limited to the following activities:

The authority for the management of special events in a national park site can be found in Title 54, U.S. Code and Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, 2.50. The following guidelines are established by National Park Service Management Policies as they relate to special event activities within this unit of the National Park Service.

A special park use is a short-term activity that takes place in a park area and that:

  • Provides a benefit to an individual, group or organization rather than the public at large, as such, these uses are subject to cost-recovery.
  • Requires written authorization and some degree of management control from the National Park Service (NPS) in order to protect park resources and the public interest.
  • Is not prohibited by law or regulation.
  • Is not initiated, sponsored, or conducted by the NPS.
  • Is not managed under a concession contract.

Special use permits for special events will not be issued if, in the opinion of the Superintendent, the special event will:

  • Cause injury or damage to park resources.
  • Be contrary to the purposes for which the park was established, or unreasonably impair the atmosphere of peace and tranquility maintained in wilderness, natural or cultural locations within the monument.
  • Unreasonably interfere with visitor services, interpretive or other program activities, or administrative activities.
  • Substantially impair the operation of public facilities or services of NPS concessionaires or contractors.
  • Present a clear and present danger to public health and safety.
  • Result in significant conflict with other existing uses.

NOTE: Each year, the Secretary of Interior announces Fee Free Days for all National Park sites. During these days, entrance fees are waived. On fee free dates, special use permits, commercial use permits and filming permits will not be authorized.

All applications will be handled in the order they are received. Standard requests require a minimum of four weeks to process. Additional time may be required to process permits for events that need additional environmental compliance. Please submit your application as far in advance of your event as possible. Short turn-around permit requests may be denied.

First Amendment permits are limited to 14 consecutive days. Printed material permits no longer have a limit for the number of days.

National Parks are required to review permit applications using certain criteria aligned with the mission of the National Park Service. As such, not all permit applications will be approved. If your permit request is denied, you may wish to consider other public lands agencies with different regulations. Other public lands near the monument are administered by the Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service.

Application fees vary depending on the type of permit issued. Additional processing fees will be charged if permit is approved. Fees may be paid over the phone with a credit card after the application has been submitted.

For questions or additional information, please
e-mail us.


Special Use / Event Permits


Organized Group Picnics

Memorials and Spreading of Cremains

First Amendment Activities

Special Events
(sporting events, pageants,
spectator attractions, entertainment,
ceremonies, automobile/motorcycle club rallies,
cycling organized tours or rides,
large group camps or rendezvous)

Last updated: January 13, 2025

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Fruita, CO 81521


970 858-2800

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