In accordance with applicable law and policy, and pursuant to the delegated authorities provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (“36 CFR”), the following compendium actions apply to all lands and waters administered by the National Park Service (NPS) within the boundaries of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument. This document is the written compilation of designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions imposed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent, as required by 36 CFR 1.7(b). Violating any provision in this Compendium may result in criminal penalties under 36 CFR 1.3.
The compendium actions in this document apply in addition to all other laws that apply to lands and waters administered by the NPS within the boundaries of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument. These include:
- Regulations in 36 CFR and other CFR titles such as Title 43, which contains regulations that apply on public lands administered by the Department of the Interior. The current version of the CFR can be found at Click on “Title 36” and then “Chapter 1” to access 36 CFR.
- Statute codified in U.S. Code, in particular provisions in Titles 16 and 54.
This Compendium is organized by the sections in 36 CFR that give the Superintendent discretionary authority to take the compendium action. Written determinations that explain why each compendium action is necessary appear in this document in
italicized print.
Please contact the Superintendent of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument if you have any questions or comments about the Superintendent’s Compendium.
NPS regulations in 36 CFR 1.4 define certain terms that are used in 36 CFR. Other sections in 36 CFR may define terms that are used in those sections. To the extent any terms defined in the CFR are used in this Compendium, those definitions apply.
36 CFR 1.5(a)(1) – Visiting hours, public use limits and closures.
Visiting Hours:
- The grounds of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument are open from sunrise to sunset.
- Effective February 1, 2025, Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument (hereby “the Monument”) will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. with the exception of major federal holidays.
Reason: Closing the Monument after regular business hours is standard operating procedure. Limiting access to park grounds to sunrise to sunset helps improve visitor safety.
Public Use Limits:
- Carrying large bags into the Monument is prohibited. Items may not be left unattended, or with NPS staff.
- Food and drink are prohibited inside of the Monument except for sealed food, water, and baby formula.
To protect and preserve the historic structure and furnishings.
- Parking in the rear overflow gravel parking lot is limited to NPS staff, contractors, and the visiting public with verbal or written permission.
- No overnight visitor parking is allowed.
Reason: Parking spaces are limited and needed for park operations and the visiting public.
36 CFR 1.5(a)(2) – Designated areas, conditions or restrictions on a use or activity. Conditions or Restrictions on a Use or Activity:
- Launching, landing, or operating an uncrewed aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the NPS within the boundaries of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent.
Reason: This restriction is necessary to prevent unacceptable impacts to park resources and values from the use of uncrewed aircraft. Potential impacts include harming visitors, interfering with rescue operations, causing excessive noise, impacting viewsheds, and disturbing wildlife. This restriction is required by NPS Policy Memorandum 14-05 dated June 19, 2014.
36 CFR 1.6(f) – Activities that require a permit. The following activities are prohibited without a permit. Criteria for approving or denying permits are established by applicable law (statutes and regulations) and policy. Permitted activities are subject to applicable terms and conditions.
- Launching or landing uncrewed aircraft. 36 CFR 1.5.
- Specimen collection for research purposes. 36 CFR 2.5
- Gathering of plants or plant parts by Federally recognized Indian tribes. 36 CFR 2.6
- Camping in day use areas. 36 CFR 2.6
- Operating a power saw in developed areas and a motor or engine in undeveloped areas. 36 CFR 2.12.
- Operating a public address system 36 CFR 2.12.
- Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter, or other airborne means. 36 CFR 2.17.
- Soliciting or demanding gifts, money, goods, or services. 36 CFR 2.37.
- Using, possessing, storing, or transporting explosives; using or possessing fireworks or firecrackers. 36 CFR 2.38.
- Conducting a special event. 36 CFR 2.50.
- Conducting a demonstration by groups of more than 25 people. 36 CFR 2.51.
- Selling or distributing printed matter and other message-bearing items by groups of more than 25 people. 36 CFR 2.52.
- Running-at-large, herding, driving across, allowing on, pasturing, or grazing of livestock or using the park for agriculture. 36 CFR 2.60.
- Residing on federal lands. 36 CFR 2.61.
- Scattering of human ashes from cremation. 36 CFR 2.62.
- Towing a person using a parasail, hang-glider, or other airborne device 36 CFR 3.12.
- Operating a submersible. 36 CFR 5.3.
- Displaying, posting, or distributing commercial notices or advertisements. 36 CFR 5.1.
- Engaging in or soliciting any business. 36 CFR 5.5.
- Some audio recording (if conditions are met). 36 CFR 5.5.
- Using commercial vehicles on NPS-administered roads. 36 CFR 5.6.
- Constructing or attempting to construct any building, structure, road, trail, path, or utility. 36 CFR 5.7.
- Rights-of-way. 36 CFR part 14.
- Examining ruins, excavating archeological sites, and gathering of objects of antiquity. 43 CFR part 3.
- Commercial filming. 43 CFR 5.2.
- Some still photography (if conditions are met). 43 CFR 5.2.
- Excavating or removing archeological resources. 43 CFR part 7.
- Collecting paleontological resources. 43 CFR part 49.
- Camping is prohibited at Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument without the expressed written approval of the park superintendent.
Reason: Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument generally does not have staffing accommodations for most overnight use.
- One picnic area is available near the pond. Small (10 or fewer) visitors may picnic on the grounds of Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument provided there is no cooking or fire involved and it does not interfere with visitor traffic or park programming.
Reason: Though not expressly prohibited, there are currently no designated areas to accommodate large (11+) groups of picnickers.
36 CFR 2.13 - FIRES
Reason: Proper facilities/receptacles do not exist for the safe use of open or contained fires.
36 CFR 2.15 - PETS
36 CFR 2.15(a)(1) – Closures to pets, emotional support animals, and pet waste.
- Pets are prohibited inside of the Monument. This does not apply to guide dogs accompanying visually or hearing-impaired persons.
- Provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of what is defined as a service animal in the NPS policy. Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals can be any animal, not just a canine (dog). The presence of these animals provides a calming effect for many people, but they do not qualify as service animals because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task. As such, emotional support animals are prohibited inside of the Monument.
- Pet owners must clean up all remnants of pet waste on park property.
2.15(a)(2) – Pet restraints
- Pets must be restrained on a leash that shall not exceed 6 feet in length.
2.15(a)(3) – Leaving pets unattended
- Leaving a pet unattended or tied to an object is prohibited.
2.15(a)(5) – Pet excrement disposal
- Failing to properly dispose of pet excrement is prohibited.
Reason: Pet owners are responsible for their animals, including cleaning up and disposing of waste appropriately. Pet waste bags and trash receptacles are available in the park and should be utilized to protect the visitor experience and the historic nature of the park.
36 CFR 2.21 – SMOKING
- Smoking or utilizing e-cigarettes, vapes, or other electronic nicotine delivery systems is prohibited inside the Monument.
Reason: Prohibiting smoking is necessary to protect park resources, reduce the risk of fire, and prevent conflicts among visitor use activities.
36 CFR 2.35(a)(3) – Closures to alcohol.
- The Monument is closed to alcoholic beverages except by conditions of a permit issued by the superintendent.
Reason: To protect the historical integrity of the Monument the superintendent has determined that the consumption and possession of alcohol shall be prohibited except for specific occasions and under the terms and conditions of a permit.
36 CFR 2.51 – DEMONSTRATIONS AND DESIGNATED AVAILABLE PARK AREAS 36 CFR 2.51(c)(2) – Designated location.