Special Programs

A statue on the grounds of Central High entitled "United" depicts two figures with raised arms holding rings that almost completely interlock, a symbolic reminder of the work still to be done to ensure educational equality.
A statue on the grounds at Central High entitled "United" depicts two figures with raised arms holding rings that almost completely interlock - a symbolic reminder of the work still to be done to ensure educational equality.

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National Park Service Speaker Series

Hosted by Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, the National Park Service Speaker Series is an inspiring initiative aimed at fostering awareness and dialogue about critical issues of equality, justice, and human rights. Featuring a diverse lineup of esteemed speakers, including activists, scholars, and leaders from various fields, the series will a platform for learning powerful stories and historical insights. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations on historical and contemporary civil rights challenges, emphasizing the ongoing struggle for social justice and the importance of collective action in creating a more equitable society.

Each event in the series is meticulously designed to educate and motivate audiences, encouraging them to reflect on their roles in advancing civil rights. Through these compelling presentations, participants will gain a deeper understanding of systemic injustices and the intersectionality of civil rights issues. By fostering an environment of learning and activism, the National Park Service Speaker Series aims to empower individuals to become advocates for change and champions of human dignity.

Each of the programs in the National Park Service Speaker Series is free and open to the public; below are the dates, times and the corresponding speakers and topics. All programs will be held at the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site visitor center located at 2120 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive; more programs will be added at a later date:

Saturday, August 10, 2024
11:00 a.m. CST

Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton

A native of Springfield, Missouri, Dr. Hampton grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas and was a member of the second class of black students entering Little Rock Central High School in 1959. Sybil would become the first three year African-American graduate of Little Rock Central High School. She earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana; a Master of Science in Teaching from the University of Chicago; a Master of Education and a Doctorate in Higher Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Dr. Hampton served as the third president of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation (WRF) from October 1996 to August 2006 and later General Manager of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Currently, she consults with foundations and nonprofits on issues related to strategic planning, program and professional development as well as grant making strategies promoting community wide or regional collaboration, facilitating state based public policy formulation, and improving and enhancing governance.

Dr. Hampton has served as Special Assistant to the President and Associate Professor of Education at Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas; Assistant Dean of Student Academic Affairs in the School of Family Resources and Consumer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Contributions Manager, Education and Culture, at the GTE Corporate Foundation, Stamford, Connecticut; Assistant Dean For Academic Affairs and Instructor, at Iona College, New Rochelle, New York, and as an elementary school teacher at the Louis Champlain School in Chicago.

Dr. Hampton is a 2005 Arkansas Black Hall of Fame Inductee and sits on the boards of Arkansas Blue Cross/Blue Shield Blue and You Foundation, the Japanese American National Museum, the Little Rock Club, and the Mt. Holly Cemetery. She has served on the selection committees for the Presidential Scholars and the Coca-Cola Scholars. She is a life member of Girl Scouts of America.

Last updated: July 25, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Little Rock Central High School NHS
2120 W. Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive

Little Rock, AR 72202-5212



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