Frequently Asked Questions About Channel Islands Distance Learning Programs

©Brett Seymour, National Park Service

Is there a fee to participate in Channel Islands Live?
No. Channel Islands Live is a FREE service provided by the National Park Service.

What equipment do I need?

  • Internet Connection (recommended: 600 Kbps. Check with your IT or test at
  • Computer, tablet, or phone
  • Speakers and a microphone (built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth)
  • Webcam (built in or USB plug-in)
  • TV, LCD Projector, or Smart Board

How do I sign up for a program?

Programs are available for interactive participation at your location and at the park visitor center in Ventura, California. Visit Schedule a Program for detailed information.

How does Channel Islands Live work?
Once you have tested and signed up for a program, we will send you an email with a link to join us for your presentation. We are just a click away!

Who is the target audience?While the program is available to all public school students in California and the nation, Channel Islands Live aims to reach children that traditionally have been underserved by the national parks. The primary focus of the program is students who have experienced geographic and social barriers to participating in park programs.

Why is Channel Islands Live important?
Channel Islands Live supports academic content standards in an effective and compelling manner, while providing access to the resources of Channel Islands National Park that would be otherwise unavailable to many students. Channel Islands Live enhances students' education and protects our parks by increasing knowledge and appreciation of our nation’s valuable resources.

How can I get started?
Follow the steps described in Schedule a Program.

Last updated: June 13, 2024

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Mailing Address:

1901 Spinnaker Drive
Ventura, CA 93001


805 658-5730

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