Visitors can access the park via Highway 143 and the town of Brian Head. You can view Cedar Breaks from the North View Overlook. State Route 143 will remain open, weather permitting.
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Close up of purple Coyote Mint flowers.
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Cluster of purple Coyote Mint flowers.
Mountain Coyote Mint - Monardella odoratissima
Flowers pink, purple, lavender, or soft white, with woolly hairs on lobes of calyx. Grows in sagebrush and mountain forests at mid to high elevations. odoratissima means fragrant, sweet-smelling.
A decoction of the stems and flowers was taken for indigestion and flatulence, colds and fevers, used as a wash or inflamed eyes, and used as a sweat and love medicine, a blood and general tonic, and the leaves and flowers were used to make a non-medicinal tea. During hunting, the plant was rubbed on lures, hooks, and traps to remove sent of humans.
Last updated: November 30, 2017
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
Cedar Breaks National Monument: Administrative Office
2460 West Highway 56 Suite #6
Cedar City,