What are Permits? Permits are written authorization to conduct an activity on land administered by the National Park Service with conditions for using the park that take into consideration safety, resource protection, and normal park visitation. Why are Permits Required? At times, the National Park Service requires permits for activities like these to make sure these activities do not cause unacceptable impacts to a park's natural and cultural resources or unduly interfere with park visitors' access and enjoyment. Permits are generally required by regulation for activities that are organized, not considered part of the regular visitation or intended use of a site, or need to be regulated for any number of reasons. For most special event permits, a certificate of liability insurance will be required. Proof of insurance is required, and documentation must carry a commercial liability (minimum of $1,000,000) issued by a U.S. company. Insurance certificate must identify the production company by name and business address. "The United States" will be named as "additional insured" on the insurance certificate. |
Last updated: December 29, 2022