
To contact NPS Law Enforcement or report an incident, please call the 24-hour dispatch: 617-242-5659. In the event of an emergency, call 911.

The white silhouette of a white shark stands out on a purple field.
Shark Safety

Be shark smart while visiting Cape Cod!

Lifeguards watch over a beach while people enjoy the sun and sand with colorful umbrellas.
Beach and Water Safety

Know the dangers and the risks, and ensure every visit to the beach is a fun one!

A gravel path leads down to the edge of a pond, a green sign to the right reads "Nauset Marsh Trail"
Hiking and Trail Safety

Hit the trails with the right equipment and make the proper preparations.

A young park visitor tries on a bike helmet while a volunteer helps her adjust it.
Bike Safety

Enjoy your ride on the seashore bike trails and prevent injuries.

A brightly colored turkey and a dry grassy area.
Hunting Safety

Help protect yourself and others while engaged in hunting activities at the seashore.

A deer tick sits on a green leaf.
Natural Hazards

Keep an eye out for poison ivy, and do those tick checks!

Last updated: October 28, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

99 Marconi Site Road
Wellfleet, MA 02667


To contact NPS Law Enforcement or report an incident, please call the 24-hour dispatch: 617-242-5659. In the event of an emergency, call 911.

Contact Us