About This BlogCabrillo National Monument protects a unique and diverse landscape thriving with life. Follow our science teams into the field and discover the stories of our park’s natural resources and beyond. The Bloomin’ Broom
October 22, 2019
As the season changes into fall, the next series of plants out at Cabrillo National Monument are triggered to begin their blomming cycle. One such plant is the Hybrid Desertboom (Baccharis sarothroides x pilularis), one of the fall blooming plants within the Coastal Sage Scrub. Rising To The Top
March 20, 2019
With the consistent rains of this rainy season, the Wild Cucumber is the first to come out of dormancy and spread its vines across the Coastal Sage Scrub. This perennial is one of the early blooming plants at Cabrillo National Monument and its white flowers and spectacular seed pods can be seen in many areas of the park. It’s That Time of Year Again
June 18, 2018
Wart-Stemmed Ceanothus or Coast Lilac is one of many plant species of concern at Cabrillo. Habitat loss, due to urbanization, has greatly reduced the suitable coastal habitat Coast Lilac requires. But this species also needs FIRE to propagate. However, wildfire is extremely rare at CNM. To combat this management concern, Ranger Adam Taylor, Greenhouse Manager Patricia Simpson, and volunteers have been collecting seed for successful nursery propagation of this native species. Planting Native Species at Home
November 13, 2017
We have planted hundreds of native species surrounding the Visitor Center at Cabrillo National Monument within the last month. Here are a few highlighted species that you may plant at home or in your surrounding neighborhood. Visit your local nursery to find species like these and many more. |
Last updated: November 4, 2016