August 31, 2018
“We love to see thriving flora and fauna, so long as they are in their native habitats and do not harm the environment in the process. Ongoing efforts are being made by the National Park Service and its partners to ensure the preservation of our parks for years to come. However, this requires cooperation from visitors and your support to help prevent the spread of invasive species.” What you can do for yourself. LEARN: 1. About invasive plants. 2. About invasive insects. 3. About invasive animals. What you can do for your home. 4. Remove invasive plants from your property. 5. Select native or non-invasive plants for your garden and yard. 6. Monitor your plants for symptoms of infestation and/or disease What you can do for your community. VOLUNTEER: 7. At a local park, reserve, recreational area, and/or nature center. 8. For invasive species removal or identification program. 9. For habitat restoration projects. What you can do for the world. 10. Share your knowledge. "The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations." Sources:
Last updated: August 31, 2018