Superintendent's Compendium

View from Upper Layout Creek Trail
View from Upper Layout Creek

Pete Sawtell



2024 Compendium Revised 7/11/2024


Designations, closures, permit requirements, and other restrictions and/or specifications imposed under the discretionary authority of the Superintendent, Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1.

In accordance with the delegated authority contained within the regulations in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1 through 7, as authorized by Title 16, United States Code, Sections 1 and 3, the following regulatory provisions are established for Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.

In addition to these regulations, written determinations, that explain the reasoning behind the superintendent’s discretionary authority are required by Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1.5 (c) and appear in this document after each regulation.

These regulatory provisions are enforceable and are an addition to the regulations contained in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7.

Visitors may obtain additional information or permit applications by contacting the Office of the Superintendent, Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, 20 HWY 14A East, Lovell, WY 82431. You may also obtain additional information or permit applications on our website at



The Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area Superintendent's Compendium is the summary of park specific rules implemented under the discretionary authority of the park Superintendent. It serves as public notice with an opportunity for public comment, identifies areas closed for public use, provides a list of activities requiring either a special use permit or reservation, and elaborates on those public use and resource protection regulations that pertain to the specific administration of the park. Regulations are found in 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and other United States Codes (U.S.C.) and CFR titles which are enforced without further elaboration at the park level.

A copy of 36 CFR can be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office at: by calling toll-free (866) 512-1800 or in DC area (202) 512-1800

The regulations contained in this compendium apply to all persons entering, using, visiting or otherwise within the boundaries of federally owned lands and waters administered by the NPS as part of the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. NPS Law Enforcement Park Rangers can enforce the requirements of the United States Code, CFR Titles, and this Superintendent's Compendium. Many of the requirements of this compendium complement existing state and local law and regulations which are also in effect within the park, and are enforced by state, and local law enforcement officers. However, if a state or local law is currently enacted, this compendium does not replace or repeal that law.

A person who violates any provision of the regulations found in 36 CFR Parts 1-7, along with this compendium, is subject to a fine as provided by law (18 U.S.C. 3571) up to $5,000 for individuals and $10,000 for organizations, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months (18 U.S.C. 3559), or both, and shall be adjudged to pay all court costs associated with any court proceedings.

The compendium is reviewed annually and the park welcomes comments about its programs and activities at any time. Comments specific to the Superintendent's Compendium will be accepted any time. Any changes to this compendium recommended by the public or others, and accepted by the Superintendent, will be incorporated into this compendium without further public comment and review and will be included in the next year’s compendium.

Comments can be directed to either the park superintendent or the Chief Rangers Office at:
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
20 HWY 14A East
Lovell, WY 82431

Copies of the compendium are available online at: Hard copies are also maintained at the Cal S. Taggart Visitor Center in Lovell, WY and the Park Headquarters (5 AVE B) in Fort Smith, MT.



Administrative areas: Government-owned buildings (or portions thereof) containing offices, meeting rooms, employee residences, maintenance equipment, storage space or other areas not normally open to the public. This includes exterior storage areas and park areas adjacent to these buildings as well as “bone yard” storage areas. The public spaces of visitor centers are not included in this definition.

Administrative Travel: roads closed to motor vehicle or over snow use by the public but are open to motor vehicle or over snow use for administrative purposes.

Backcountry Camping: Camping outside of a designated front country developed camping area and at least one-half mile distance from a developed area.

Bicycle/Traditional Bicycle means every device propelled solely by human power upon which a person or persons may ride on land, having one, two or more wheels, except a manual wheelchair.

Camping: Erecting of a tent shelter of natural or synthetic material; preparing a sleeping bag or other bedding material for use, parking of a motor vehicle, motor home or trailer or mooring of a vessel for the apparent purpose of overnight occupancy.

Developed Area: Area with roads, marinas, docks, parking areas, picnic areas, campgrounds, or other structures, facilities or lands located within development and historic zones depicted on the park area land management and use map.

Dock: Any floating or fixed platform, which is anchored or otherwise installed for the primary purpose of providing a location for vessel moorage.

E-bike: a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).

Flat wake speed: The minimum required speed to leave a flat wave disturbance close astern a moving vessel yet maintain steerageway, but in no case in excess of 5 statute miles per hour.

Firearm: A loaded or unloaded pistol, rifle, shotgun or other weapon which is designed to, or may be readily converted to; expel a projectile by the ignition of a propellant.

Hunting: The taking or attempting to take wildlife, except trapping.

Pack Animal means horses, burros, mules, ponies and llamas only.

Picnic Areas: Those areas designated as day-use public areas that include picnic tables, NPS established metal campfire grates or above ground barbecue grates.

Service animal means dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability.

Swim beach and Swim Area: Those areas of Bighorn Canyon NRA designated by signs, buoys, log booms or other physical barriers as being closed to rigid devices including surfboards, the possession of glass containers, pets, and the lighting or maintaining of a fire.

Unmanned Aircraft: A device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links). The term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation or commerce.


Section 1.5 – Closures, Visiting Hours, Public Use Limits and areas Designations for Specific Use or Activities

(a)(1) The following areas and/or roads are closed to all non-official vehicles or foot travel:

  • All Western Area Power Administration roads and parking areas not identified by designated signs, maps, newspaper publication, or other appropriate methods such as electronic media, park brochures, and handouts in accordance with 36 CFR §1.7.
  • Bighorn Lake from the base of the Yellowtail Dam up stream to the orange log boom is closed to the general public.
  • Om-Ne-A Trail is closed to the general public.
  • Administrative areas of the Yellowtail Dam are closed to the general public.
  • Afterbay Lake is closed between dam intake works and buoyed cable line 100 feet west.
  • Afterbay Lake is closed between orange log boom and Yellowtail Dam, 3,500 feet up stream.

Determination: These areas are closed for security of the Yellowtail Dam and Visitor Safety. The purpose of this closure is to prevent unauthorized access and protection of Bureau of Reclamation property, critical infrastructure, and facilities.

  • Bureau of Reclamation Government Camp – All roads closed to the public with signage. Roads closed to non-official travel would include Ave A, west of 4th street, 4th Street, 3rd street, 2nd street, 1st street, Ave C, and Ave B from the NPS Offices to west to 4th street.
  • Areas around all potable water system tanks and developed springs.
  • All fenced sewage lagoons.
  • Areas between fences and cliff faces at Ok-A-Beh, Devil Canyon Overlook and Barry’s Landing and Trail Creek.
  • All cliffs on the west side of Ok-A-Beh boat ramp
  • Camping or overnight parking on the Ok-A-Beh Helipad.
  • Electrical switchyards and their entranceways.
  • Boat launching/retrieving is limited to fifteen minutes on all park boat ramps.
  • Leaving vehicle unattended (Parking) on boat ramps is prohibited.
  • Concession docks are closed except to lessees, their guests and gas customers.
  • Docking limit is fifteen (15) minutes at the public boat docks and fifteen (15) minutes at the floating comfort stations (official and concession vessels excepted). Overnight docking or mooring at Box Canyon, Black Canyon, and Dayboard Nine public boat docks is permitted on a first come/first served basis.

Determination: Administrative Areas closed to the public to assist with public safety and assist employees in efficient and safe work areas. Administrative areas require specialized training or authorization by the government to access. Concession docks and slips are rented to park ~ 5 ~ visitors on an annual basis. Limiting access to the public who are not paying slip owners or allowing other boats to more for an extended period of time may cause conflict with slip renters and or take potential business from the contracted Concessioner.

  • AIS Check Stations: All vessels are required to stop at open Bighorn Canyon NRA Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Check stations for watercraft inspections prior to launch. Vessels that have been used within 30 days in states with known occurrence of zebra or quagga mussels will not be allowed on park waters until completing the prescribed decontamination process. Operators of vehicles towing boat trailers will stop at all designated AIS boat inspection stations within the park before launching boats.

AIS check station personnel will advise decontamination procedure and location at time of inspection.

Determination: Currently the Bighorn Lake is free of zebra/quagga mussels. However, if zebra/quagga mussels were to infest the lake, they will likely foul dock and ramp facilities, encrust boats, clog engines, and damage the quality of lake fishing by disrupting the food chain. In response to the continued and growing threat of the introduction of quagga and zebra mussels at Bighorn Canyon NRA, AIS inspection requirements for Bighorn Lake boaters have been implemented. These increased measures are intended to prevent the unintentional introduction of quagga and zebra mussels into the waters of Bighorn Lake.

  • Unmanned Aircraft: Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft (i.e. drones) from or on lands and waters within the boundaries administered by Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent.

Determination: The Superintendent has determined that unmanaged or unrestricted recreational use of unmanned aircraft within Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area will conflict with, or impact, a variety of park uses, including visitor experience. Use may also lead to the disturbance, displacement or harassment of park wildlife and creation of public safety hazards.

Visiting Hours:

  • The park is open to the public 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, unless otherwise publicly posted.
  • National Park Service offices, visitor centers, and contact stations are open for official business as posted on the respective buildings.
  • Day use areas and swim beaches will be closed from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
  • Creating or sustaining unreasonable noise between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is prohibited.

Section 1.6 Permits

(f)(1) A compilation of those activities requiring a permit shall be maintained by the Superintendent and available to the public upon request. Special Use Permits and Commercial Use Authorizations are requested through the Superintendent’s Office; Lovell Visitor Center, Lovell, WY. Research Permits may be requested through the Research Permitting and Reporting System (

The following activities require permits:

  • §2.5(a) Research Specimen collection (Taking a plant, fish, wildlife, rocks or mineral) §2.10(a) Camping in vehicle assessable campgrounds when/if fees are collected
  • §2.12(a)(2) Operating a power saw in developed areas
  • §2.12(a)(3)Operating any type of portable motor or engine, except motorboats
  • §2.12(a)(4) Operation of a public address system in connection with a public gathering or special event for which a permit has been issued pursuant to §2.50 or §2.51
  • §2.17(a)(3)Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter or other airborne means, except in emergencies.
  • §2.17(c)(1) Removal of downed aircraft
  • §2.37 Soliciting or requesting gifts, money, goods or service. (Pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit issued under §2.50, §2.51 or §2.52
  • §2.38 (a) Use, possession, storage or transportation of explosives (ie. Fireworks)
  • §2.38 (b) Use or possession of fireworks.
  • §2.50(a) Conduct a sports event, pageant, regatta, public spectator attraction, entertainment, ceremony, and similar events.
  • §2.51 (b) Public Assemblies or demonstrations by groups of 26 or more Demonstrations of 25 persons or less do not require a permit in designated First Amendment Area (with notification).
  • §2.52 (a) Sale and Distribution of Printed Material
  • §2.60 Livestock Use and Agriculture (Commercial/Private Livestock Trailing Operations or established grazing rights)
  • §2.62 Memorialization
    • 2.62(a) Erection of monuments, memorials, or other structure requires approval from the Director.
    • 2.62(b) Scattering of ashes from human cremation (Prohibited unless if park has designated area for this purpose via compliance process)
  • §5.1 Displaying, posting, or distributing commercial notices or advertisements.
  • §5.3 Business operations (engaging in or soliciting any business requires a permit, contract or other written agreement with the United States, or must be pursuant to special regulations).
  • §5.5(a) Commercial filming of motion pictures or television involving the use of professional casts, settings or crews other than bona fide newsreel or news television.

§5.5(b) Still photography of vehicles, or other articles of commerce or models for the purpose of commercial advertising. ~ 7 ~ • §5.6(c) Use of commercial vehicles on park area roads to access adjacent private lands. • §5.7 Constructing or attempting to construct any building, structure, dock, road, trail, path, or public or private utility upon, across, over, through, or under any park area. (Right of Way Permit)


36 CFR Part 2-Resource Protection, Public Use and Recreation

Section 2.1 Preservation of Natural, Cultural and Archaeological Resources

(a)(4) Driftwood within and around Bighorn Lake, the Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Area and NPS driftwood storage piles at Ok-A-Beh, Horseshoe Bend and Barry’s Landing may be gathered, used and/or removed from the park for personal use only. Dead and downed wood at park campgrounds may be collected for immediate on-site use only. Off road travel is not permitted for this purpose. A commercial use of driftwood is prohibited.

Determination: The gathering and removal of driftwood removes fuels that could contribute to later wildfires. During periods of high lake levels, driftwood creates hazards to navigation at marina locations, and is too dangerous to burn without controlled prescription fire methods. The visitor removal of driftwood assists the government in reduction of labor costs and safety associated with the removal.

(c)(1) Edible fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and berries may be gathered and removed from the park for personal consumption. Off road travel is not permitted for this purpose. All commercial use is prohibited.

Determination: The gathering of small amounts of native fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and berries will not adversely affect the reproductive potential of these species or otherwise adversely affect the Bighorn Canyon NRA resources.
*Responsibility of property ownership knowledge is with the collector of the items*


Section 2.2 Wildlife Protection

(b)(1) IIn accordance with the enabling legislation establishing Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, hunting is allowed as specified in Title 16 of the United States Code section 460t-3, i.e., 16 USC § 460t-3.

(b)(1) Hunting within one-half mile of any developed area; including the Government Camp, Crooked Creek Ranger Station, and campgrounds of the park is prohibited.

Determination: Visitors enter and exit Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area near these developed areas. Visitors routinely enter and leave the ranger stations, hunting in close proximity to these areas can result in damage to government property. Residences and business offices are located around the Government Camp area. The one-half mile closure around these areas is necessary to achieve public safety and minimize public use conflicts. Unless specified, Bighorn Canyon NRA remains open to hunting and adopts all non-conflicting Montana and Wyoming State hunting regulations as approved

Exemption: Upland bird hunting (including wild turkey- shotgun only) is allowed at the 3-Mile Access area, one-half mile away from the access parking lot, during the specific times and seasons found in the Montana Upland Game Bird Regulations.

Exemption: The use of dogs in pursuit of mountain lions is regulated by State and Federal laws, and hunters are encouraged to contact the appropriate State agency prior to going afield.

(e) Bighorn Canyon NRA is closed to use of an artificial light for the purposes of wildlife viewing. (Spotlighting)

Section 2.3 Fishing

(a) Except in designated areas or as provided in this section, fishing shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State within whose exterior boundaries a park area or portion thereof is located. Nonconflicting State laws are adopted as a part of these regulations.

Determination: Bighorn Canyon NRA straddles two different states so its fishing waters are regulated by both Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks as well as the Wyoming Fish and Game Department. It is the angler’s responsibility to remain aware of their location and have the required fishing license(s), and to follow the appropriate regulations.

(a) Fishing from Afterbay Dam, including all buoy restricted areas west of the dam is prohibited.

Determination: The Afterbay Dam, fenced and buoy restricted areas are off limits for safety and security of the facility.


Section 2.4 Weapons, Traps and Nets

(a)(2)(ii)Target practice is only allowed at the Fort Smith Firing Range.

• Possession of alcohol is prohibited at the Fort Smith Firing Range

Determination: The Fort Smith Firing Range is open to the public. However, it is subject to closure for law enforcement weapons training and qualifications. Prohibiting alcohol is necessary to prevent unintentional weapons discharges, accidents or death.

Section 2.10 Camping and Food Storage

(a) Designated Developed Vehicle Accessible Camping Areas:

  • North District - Afterbay and Grapevine Campgrounds
  • South District - Horseshoe Bend, Trail Creek, and Barry’s Landing Campgrounds.
  • South District - Common Corrals -Area just east of the corrals is designated as a livestock camping area. Other campers may be allowed if area is not already in use by permitted ranchers or livestock owners.

Overnight camping is prohibited at all marina parking areas, historic ranches, boat ramps, roadside pull offs, restrooms, and trailhead parking areas.

Determination: Camping in developed areas is restricted to established campsites only in the recreation area. Most established campsites have picnic tables, toilet facilities, trash service, established fire rings, as well as bear proof storage containers. If bear proof storage container is not at site. The camper is responsible for proper food storage.

The following conditions apply to Boat-in Camping:
Boat-in camping (from or aboard a vessel), is permitted at established campgrounds: Black Canyon, Dayboard 9 or Medicine Creek.

  • Boat in dispersed backcountry lake camping is allowed below the high-water mark of 3640 feet elevation ½ mile from developed areas.
  • Dispersed backcountry walk-in camping is allowed throughout the recreation area provided it is conducted at least one-half mile distance from developed areas. When walk-in camping, campers must use petroleum fueled stoves, lanterns, or heating devices. Fires are prohibited.

(b)(9) Campground site regulations
The following regulations have been established and violations of terms are prohibited:

  • Camping is limited to a maximum of 30 days per calendar year.
  • No more than 14 consecutive days may be spent at any one campground.
  • Unless otherwise designated, campsites are first come first serve.
  • Campsite registration must be completed within one hour of campsite occupancy. Holding/reserving a campsite for another individual is prohibited.
  • Quiet hours are designated from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • Dumping of wastewater on the ground is prohibited.
  • Sites are limited to 1 RV
  • Only one RV may be connected to a utility site at a time. Connecting to any other sites utility system or through another RV is prohibited.
  • Check out time for all campsites is 12:00 p.m.
  • All vehicles at site must fit within the provided site. Where parking pads are provided, vehicles must park with all wheels on the pad.
  • Environmentally friendly straps or other similar devices may be used to attach hammocks, string lines or other similar products to trees in the campsite. Attaching any device to other types of vegetation is prohibited.
  • All trash must be properly disposed in refuse receptacles. All other disposal is prohibited. Bear boxes or burning in fire pits and or rings is prohibited.

During times where park fees are collected via concession management program the above regulations and alternate regulations may apply and will be posted on the bulletin board at each associated campground.

(d)(1) All food and coolers must be kept in a vehicle, vessel, hard-sided camping unit or, where available, park-provided bear-proof storage boxes, when occupants of the site are not present.

Determination: Animals are attracted to food and other scented items that are not secured. Securing these items minimizes human versus wildlife conflicts and protects wildlife. Bear-proof storage boxes are provided at some park campgrounds for visitor use.


Section 2.13 Fires

(a)(1) The lighting or maintaining of fires is generally prohibited, except as provided for in the following designated areas or receptacles, and under the conditions noted:

  • Within the confines of an NPS-provided fire receptacles (fire rings or grills)
  • Under the high-water mark of Bighorn Lake or elevation designation of 3640’
  • Winter: Open campfires burning wood, not charcoal, are permitted on the frozen surface of Bighorn Lake. All debris other than ashes and charred wood must be removed.

(a)(2) Fires are not permitted in designated swim beaches or the Ok-A-Beh, Afterbay, Horseshoe Bend, North Kane, or Barry’s Landing parking lots or overflow areas and/or all other areas designated by signage.

(b) High fire danger Closures can be in effect during extreme fire danger for areas that include Bighorn Canyon NRA.

Determination: During extreme fire danger or by order of the superintendent, fires of any type may not be allowed. Visitors may contact the recreation area headquarters office at (406) 666- 3300, Lovell Visitor Center at 307-548-5406, or the park website at to check on current conditions. Two states, two counties, and the exterior boundary of the Crow Tribe Reservation adjoin Bighorn Canyon NRA, and there may be different fire restrictions in each area. To reduce confusion, Bighorn Canyon NRA will either be completely open to certain types of fires, or completely closed them.


Section 2.15 Pets

Dogs are allowed in all areas of the park including developed and backcountry areas with the exception of (a)(1).
(a)(1) Areas closed to the possession of pets. (Except Service Animals)

  • (a) Ok-A-Beh swim beach, grass area and water areas.
  • (b) Horseshoe Bend Swim beach, grass area and water areas.

Service animals are not subject to the park’s pet closure policy and, when accompanying an individual with a disability are allowed wherever the visitor is allowed.

Determination: The Superintendent has determined this necessary to align with NPS Memorandum 19-02-Use of Service Animals by Visitor with Disabilities.

  • (a)(3) Designated areas or conditions for leaving a pet unattended and ties to an object: No areas or conditions have been established as an exception to this prohibition.
  • (a)(5) Pet excrement disposal conditions: Pet owners or responsible persons shall promptly remove and dispose of pet excrement from all park areas in a proper trash receptacle.
  • (c) Leash requirement exceptions: Dogs may be off leash when being used in support of hunting activities, hunting dog training or permitted stock trailing operations; contained on a vessel or within a vehicle; or in open water as designated and in accordance with applicable Federal and State law.
  • (e) Conditions for Residents Keeping pets: Park or BOR Residents may keep pets in accordance with Bighorn Canyon NRA or Yellowtail Housing and Pet Policy. All regulations apply to residents equally when housed within the park. Service animals are not subject to park’s pet policy.

Determination: The Superintendent has determined that domestic pets within the park under these conditions do not pose an undue threat to natural resources, employees or the visiting public.


Section 2.16 Horses and Pack Animals

(g)(1) Pack animals are prohibited in designated camping areas and historic ranches. Camping with horses is restricted to the Common Corrals established area.

(g)(2) The feeding or dropping of forage in park areas, except for pelletized feed or certified weed and seed-free hay, straw, whole grains or cubed products is prohibited.

(g)(3) All livestock entering or leaving the recreation area must meet state requirements regarding health certificates and brand inspections.

Determination: The Superintendent has determined these are the minimum necessary restrictions to provide for the protection of the park resources. Resource management at Bighorn Canyon NRA includes an aggressive invasive weed program that is consistent with existing state and federal programs to minimize the spread of exotic invasive species.

Section 2.20 Skating, skateboards and similar devices:

  • The following areas are designated for the use of roller skates, skateboards, roller skis coasting vehicles or similar non-motorized devices
    • a. Residential Roads in Fort Smith – Area known as Government Camp
    • b. Paved areas of Horseshoe Bend Campground

Determination: The Superintendent has determined that on a temporary trial basis the areas are open to non-motorized devices. The conflicts of the areas will be minimal with slower speed limits and multiple visitor activities already authorized (i.e. biking and exercising). If determined to cause a life-safety conflict these activities will be restricted in the future.


Section 2.21 Smoking

(a) Park Areas, buildings, structures or facilities closed to smoking:

All interior spaces and outdoor areas within 25 feet of an air intake ducts, including doors and window of buildings, rented, or leased by the federal government. This closure does not apply to park employees following the Bighorn Canyon NRA Employee Housing Policy.

Determination: The Superintendent has implemented this closure in accordance with Executive Order 13058 Entitled “Protecting Federal Employees and the Public from Exposure of Tabacco Smoke in the Federal Workplace” The intent of EO 13058 is to establish a smoke-free environment for Federal Employees and members of the public visiting or using Federal facilities. The Superintendent has determined this closure to be necessary and the least restrictive means to ensure federal employees and the public have access to smoke free environments.

Section 2.22 – Property

(a)(2) Vehicles and/or boat trailers may be parked unattended at boat launch parking facilities for the duration of overnight camping trips for visitors that are camping at boat-in campgrounds and camping in adjacent campgrounds within the established camping limits.

  • Vehicles and/or boat trailers left unattended for more than fourteen consecutive days may be impounded.

  • Visitors not camping must remove their vehicle and/or trailer daily.

Determination: Unattended property is inconsistent with the orderly management of park areas and may limit equitable use of park facilities. Property left unattended in excess of 24 hours may be impounded. Property left unattended causing a safety hazard may be immediately impounded or towed.


Section 2.51 Public Assemblies, Meetings

(d) The Superintendent has designated the following areas for public assemblies:

  • Refer to Appendix A – Maps showing Detailed maps of specific areas will be furnished upon request.
    • MK Hill Picnic Area, Fort Smith Montana.
    • Afterbay Ranger Station 100 feet north of the building.
    • Cal Taggert Visitor Center 125 feet North East of the building.
    • Horseshoe Bend Marina west of the fish cleaning station.
A Special Use Permit is required for groups larger than 25 individuals (§ 1.6)

Section 2.52 Sale or Distribution of Printed Matter

(e) The Superintendent has designated the following areas for sale or distribution of printed matter:

  • MK Hill Picnic Area, Fort Smith Montana.
  • Afterbay Ranger Station 100 feet north of the building.
  • Cal Taggert Visitor Center 125 feet North East of the building.
  • Horseshoe Bend Marina west of the fish cleaning station.
  • A Special Use Permit is required (§ 1.6)
Determination: The locations for §2.51 and § 2.52 were identified to protect the resources, ensure safety of the visitors and maintain the integrity and purpose of the site. Requirement of permit allows superintendent and team to make a fair decision on activity and ability to accommodate the request.

Section 3.2 Boating and Water Use Activities

(a) All vessel operators and passengers must follow applicable National Park Service, US Coast Guard, and state boating regulations regarding motorboats, personal watercraft (PWC), and paddle craft safety.

Determination: The Bighorn Canyon NRA is located within the boundaries of Wyoming and Montana. The recreation area 36 CFR 3.2 allows for the adoption of federal and state laws and regulations.


Section 3.8 Vessel Operations

(a)(2) Afterbay Dam to cable 200 feet downstream is closed to boating.
(b)(2) Private vessels may not tie up to any park buoy not specifically designated as a mooring buoy at any time.

  • Private individuals are not allowed to place or install buoys in the park.
  • Private individuals are allowed to anchor in areas where they are not a hazard to navigation. Overnight anchoring of vessels is limited to maximum camping requirements.
  • All vessels at anchor between sunset and sunrise must display anchor lights. If a vessel is less than 16 feet in length, then its anchor light will be an all-round light visible where it can best be seen from all directions.
  • Private vessels aren’t required to display an all-around white light if they are moored at their rented dock space.

Determination: Buoys are designed to mark locations of dock anchoring systems and as aids to navigation. Long term mooring on undesignated mooring buoys can affect the integrity of the system.


Section 3.16 Swimming and Wading

The following locations are closed to swimming:

  • Public or concession boat docks
  • Fishing docks
  • Boat launching areas including all courtesy docks.
  • Afterbay Dam to the cable 200 feet downstream is closed to swimming and/or wading.

Determination: Swimming near boat docks and launch areas interferes with the ingress and egress of boats from the lake conflicting with visitor safety. Closure of access 200 feet downstream of the Afterbay dam has been determined as the minimum distance to maintain security and safety from unannounced water discharges.


Section 3.17 Swimming and Bathing

(a) There are two public swimming areas in the park located at the Ok-A-Beh and Horseshoe Bend Marinas. Public swimming areas are designated with signage.

(c) Glass containers of all types are prohibited in Ok-A-Beh and Horseshoe Bend swim beaches

(c) Children three years of age and younger must wear a Coast Guard Approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) and be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the water at public swimming areas.

(c) Rigid devices including surfboard, paddleboards and vessels are prohibited.

Determination: Restriction on glass containers is based on safety and environmental concerns to limit injuries associated with discarded or broken glass containers and to protect park resources. The restriction on water flotation devices for children three years of age and younger is to increase life safety.


Section 4.21 Speed limits, designated limits by the Superintendent

(b) The following speed limits are established for the routes/roads are indicated by posted speed limit signage:
  • 15 MPH
    • HSB Campgrounds
    • Afterbay Campground
    • Grapevine Campground
    • Fort Smith Elementary School Zone
  • • 25-MPH
    • Horseshoe Bend Access Road – Dump Station-Marina o Barry’s Landing Access Road
    • HWY 37 North of Barry’s Landing Access Road
    • 3 Mile Fishing Access Road
    • Afterbay Campground Access Road.
  • • 35-MPH o Horseshoe Bend Access Road
    • HWY 37 Devil Canyon Cattle guard to North of the S curves o Devil Canyon Access Road
    • Barry's Landing Access Road o Hwy 37 North of Barry's Landing Junction o Hwy 313 North of Ft. Smith throughout roadway to BOR gate
    • Hwy 313/Grapevine Rd. junction to the Afterbay River boat launch.
  • 55 MPH
    • HWY 313 Warman loop to 1/4 Mile from town of Fort Smith, MT.
  • 70 MPH
    • HWY 14A East from mile post 54.7 to 58.8 inside NPS Jurisdiction
Determination: 36 CFR 4.21(a) establishes a 45 mph speed limit for park roads outside of certain areas listed in 36 CFR4.21(a)(1) and (a)(2) unless the Superintendent determines that the speed is “unreasonable, unsafe, or inconsistent with the purpose for which the park areas was established as stated in 36 CFR 4.21(b). The Superintendent has determined that the speed limits listed above are reasonable, safe and consistent with park purposes.

Section 4.30 Bicycles

(a) The use of e-bikes or traditional bikes are permitted on park roads and in parking areas that are otherwise open for motor vehicle use by the general public.

A person operating an e-bike or traditional bicycle is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR Part 4: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4.22, 4.23, and 4.30(h)(2)-(5)

Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within Bighorn Canyon NRA is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of the State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.

Determination: The Superintendent has determined the use of e-bikes in accordance to regulations on traditional bicycles meets the parks established goals and mission designated for the recreation area.

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Last updated: July 16, 2024

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Mailing Address:

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area South District Visitor Center
20 US Hwy 14A

Lovell, WY 82431


307 548-5406
(307) 548-5406 is the South District in Lovell, WY. (406) 666-9961 is the North District in Fort Smith, MT.

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