Due to dry conditions and gusty winds, Big Bend National Park is currently under a fire ban. All open-flame fires (including charcoal grills) are prohibited. Liquid fuel camp stoves are permitted. Smoking is prohibited in the Chisos Mountains.
A wide variety of commercial activities occur in Big Bend National Park.
Big Bend CUA Program Updates
Big Bend has extended all current fiscal year 2024 (Oct. 1, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2024) CUA permits to December 31, 2024 to align with the new NPS Online Application and Reporting System. Our program will shift from the fiscal year to the calendar year in 2025. You may apply for a 2025 permit (valid from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025), through the NPS Online Application and Reporting System starting on October 1, 2024. Please allow up to 60 days for processing.
Big Bend National Park is excited to announce the online CUA system. The system is designed to standardize, modernize, and streamline the CUA application and reporting process. The system allows potential CUA applicants and CUA holders to view available CUA opportunities, apply for CUAs, submit required CUA reports, and pay CUA fees.
Big Bend Commercial Use Authorization Permits (CUAs)
What Is A Commercial Use Authorization?
Approximately 50 companies provide a wide variety of commercial services in Big Bend National Park and Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River. These services are limited to those companies having specific authorization, usually in the form of a Concessions Contract or Commercial Use Authorization (CUA).
Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA), are a permit issued by the park Superintendent to allow certain commercial activities within the park. Permits are required of all operators who provide any goods, activities, agreements or other services to the general public that:
take place, at least in part, on lands managed by the National Park Service,
use park resources, and
result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit or profit to an individual, organization or corporation.
Federal regulations prohibit engaging in or soliciting any business in the park areas, except in accordance with the provisions of a written agreement with the United States. Commercial aspects, such as advertising, negotiation of compensation, and receipt of money/compensation must occur outside of the park. Year-round permits coincide with the calendar year, starting January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. Permits may also be issued for one-time use.
Park Entrance Fees
A CUA does NOT exempt the holder or clients from NPS entrance fee requirements, nor does it grant automatic access to areas controlled by reservation systems.
Meet all insurance requirements over duration of permit.
Comply with all park rules and permit conditions.
Submit accurate Annual Report within 30 days after permit expiration.
River Outfitters must submit their Monthly Reports at the end of each month or by the 15th of the next month using NPS Form 10-660A.
Big Bend National Park accepts CUA applications for the following activities:
4x4 Jeep Tours
Art Instruction / Workshops
Bicycle Tours
Boat Tours - Non-motorized
Environmental Education
Hiking - Backcountry (backpacking)
Hiking/walking - Frontcountry
Motorcycle Tours
Outdoor Skills Education
Photography Instruction / Workshops
Transport - Non-tour (Road/air/water-based)
We DO NOT issue CUA’s for Road-Based Commercial Tours (motorcoaches or vehicles with capacity over 26 passengers). Please contact the CUA Office with questions.
Description of Authorized Activities:
4 x 4 Jeep Tours
Guided Jeep Tours ONLY. ATVs are PROHIBITED in Big Bend National Park. Road-based (paved or dirt) tours for group sizes of 1-25 participants per day, including guides. In-park shuttle service and step-on guide service is authorized under this CUA. Limited hiking is authorized under this CUA (see Park Specific Conditions). Overnight camping is not authorized under this CUA.
Art Instruction / Workshops
Non-commercial art trip/tour/workshops with guide service within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River boundaries. Visitor transportation is authorized under this CUA.
Bicycle Tours
Bike tours with guide service, hard surface or dirt roads only within Big Bend National Park. Bikes are not allowed off- road or on trails. Visitor transportation/shuttle is authorized under this CUA. Limited guided hiking is authorized.
Boat Tours – non-motorized
Canoe, raft, or kayak rentals/tours/charters with guide service or delivering/outfitting river equipment within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River boundaries. Repair/salvage service of canoe, raft, kayak, etc. within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River boundaries. Visitor transportation/shuttle of vehicles is authorized under this CUA. Hiking is authorized under this CUA if it is incidental to the river trip. Step-On guides are authorized under this CUA.
Environmental Education
Includes bird watching, botanizing, biology/geology courses, wilderness education/therapy tours while walking/hiking with an instructor/guide within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Scenic River boundaries. Visitor transportation is authorized under this CUA.
Hiking – backcountry (backpacking)
Backcountry hiking and/or camping/backpacking with guide service or delivering/outfitting backcountry camping equipment within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River boundaries. Visitor transportation/shuttle is authorized under this CUA. PLEASE NOTE: Issuance of a CUA for this activity does not guarantee the Permittee the availability of campsites nor does it entitle the Permittee to supersede the general public in obtaining campsites.
Hiking/Walking – frontcountry
Day hiking on established and maintained trails accessed via paved or dirt roads with guide service within Big Bend National Park boundaries. Visitor transportation/shuttle is authorized under this CUA.
Motorcycle Tour
Guided motorcycle tours on paved roads within Big Bend National Park boundaries. Tours are only authorized on roads open to the public. Motorcycles must be street legal. No off-road plates are allowed. Limited guided hiking from hard surfaced roads is authorized.
Outdoor Skills Education
Survival, boot camp, NOLS, etc. – conducting outdoor education skills with a guide within Big Bend National Park/Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River boundaries. Backpacking and hiking are authorized under this CUA if incidental to the outdoor skills education. Visitor transportation is authorized under this CUA.
Photography Instruction / Workshops
Non-commercial photography trip/tour/workshops with guide service within Big Bend National Park / Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River boundaries. Visitor transportation is authorized under this CUA. Limited guided hiking is authorized. (Commercial Photography requires a Special Use Permit. Contact the Superintendent’s office at (915) 477-1101 for more information.)
Transport – non-tour
Non-tour transport services via land, air, or water within Big Bend National Park. A shuttle transportation consists of a drop-off or pick-up service for clients on designated roads and at designated parking areas, pullouts, and developed areas where the CUA holder leaves the park after the service has been conducted. Only vehicles with a capacity at or below 15 passengers are authorized for this service.
If the service you are proposing to provide is not a currently approved service listed above, contact the park CUA office at bibe_cua@nps.gov
Application Fee
There is a $350, non-refundable, annual fee. The same applicant will pay a $250, non-refundable, application fee for each subsequent application submitted to the same NPS unit during the same CUA season. Permits will not be renewed from previous years.
All application and management fees MUST be paid on Pay.gov through the online system. A $350 Application Fee must be submitted as part of your complete application package. This fee is cost recovery for staff time to process your application and issue your CUA. Please note that we do not issue refunds for overpayment.
Management Fee
A cost-recovery fee, to recover costs associated with the administration and management of the CUA program. Fees will be based on a percentage of revenue earned from in-park or park-based operations. Market price fees will be based on the following:
Less than $250,000 earned from park-based operations:
3% of gross receipts (minus application fee)
$250,000-$500,000 earned from park-based operations:
4% of gross receipts (minus application fee)
More than $500,000 earned from park-based operations:
5% of gross receipts (minus application fee)
This will be included as part of the annual report. Payment is due at time of Annual Report submission, but must be paid by February 28, 2026 and must be paid via the online system at Pay.gov.
Liability insurance is required for all CUA holders under the terms of the authorization. Such insurance should be of sufficient scope to cover all potential risks and in an amount to cover claims that can reasonably be expected in the event of serious injury or death. Minimum coverage amount is $1,000,000 per occurrence. Some activities may require increased coverage or other types of liability insurance. Liability insurance policies must name the United States of America as additional insured. The business or person that is providing the service must be named insured (policy holder).
Automobile Liability Insurance
As of October 1, 2022, CUA holders who rent vehicles are required to show proof of automobile liability insurance before entry. Please refer to the permit application (Attachment A) for required minimum coverages as it has changed.
Commercial automobile insurance coverage types are identified as auto designation symbols (1-9). Each symbol represents the type of vehicle protected by the applicable liability policy. CUA insurance certificates will typically reflect one or more of the following symbols (from RM 48B Commercial Use Authorizations):
Symbol 1, "Any auto" provides coverage for any owned, hired, non-owned automobile use in conjunction with the business. This is the most common comprehensive auto designation symbol available.
Symbol 2, "Owned autos" provides coverage only for those vehicles owned by the CUA holder. It does not include autos hired or non-owned.
Symbol 7, "Specified auto" provides coverage for vehicles specifically listed on the CUA insurance policy.
Symbol 8, "Hired autos" provides coverage only for autos leased, hired, rented, or borrowed from an employee, partner, or member of an insured's household.
Symbol 9, "Non-owned" provides coverage only for autos owned by employees, partners, or members of an insured's household, but only while those non-owned autos are used either in the conduct of the insured's business or personal affairs. It does not include autos hired, leased, or borrowed from other sources.
Insurance Company Rating
Insurance companies must be rated at least A- by the most recent edition of A.M. Best’s Key Insurance Reports (Property-Casualty edition) or similar insurance rating companies (Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, or Fitch). You may be subject to additional insurance requirements. Refer to “Attachment A”.
The insurance certificate and insurance ratings must be submitted with the CUA application. The rating companies do not issue certificates. We require the insurance broker to note this rating in the Certificate. If the rating does not appear on the certificate, the insurance broker must provide it in another document.
CUA holders must submit an annual report each year. This report is due by January 31st each year. This report provides the park with visitation statistics, reportable injury data, and a record of annual gross receipts. CUA holders conducting river trips must submit their monthly reports before the 15th of the next month. You may use your own trip recording form, but it must be attached to the 10-660A for each month.
The 2025 Annual Report is due no later than January 31, 2026. If a 2025 Annual Report is not submitted by this date, a 2026 CUA may be suspended pending receipt of report.