The horses had become very weak on the trip to the fort. The French loan Washington canoes to travel to Venango, sparing the horses from carrying all the baggage. December 16, 1753. Washington and his group, including the Indians, left Fort LeBoeuf to return home. Some of his men and his horses were sent ahead to wait for the rest of the group and baggage in Venango.
Several times the canoe almost smashed against rocks. At times the low water forced the passengers to walk in the creek, pulling the canoe. After many days, Washington met up with the rest of his group and horses in Venango where they returned the French canoes. December 23-25, 1753. When they left Venango it was very cold. The horses were still very weak so the group had to walk instead of ride.
Activity: Washington in Indian Dress. Sometime after leaving Fort LeBoeuf Washington changed into Indian Walking clothes. It is unknown exactly what he wore but he could have looked like this. Can you for what he added? Did you see the hat, the blanket coat, the mittens and th leg gaiters?
December 26-27, 1753. Washington was in a hurry to get back to Williamsburg. He and Gist set off on their own, knowing they could walk faster than the rest. After a while, Washington decided to leave the path and take a shortcut though the woods to the Allegheny River. They met an Indian who called Gist by name and greeted him as an old friend. Gist did not know him, but thought he might have seen him at Venango. He Indian says, " I will guide you to the Allegheny River."
American Indian Warrior. Niether Washington's nor Gist's journal mention this warrior's name or nation.
Washington was not used to walking long distances so the Indian carried his pack. After many miles of travel, Gist became certain the Indian was leading them in the wrong direction. Washington asked if they could stop for the night. The Indian became upset and asked them to keep walking. They agreed to go a little further.
Suddenly the Indian turned around and shot at them.... and missed! Guns at this time had to be reloaded after each shot, giving Washington and Gist time to capture him and get his gun. Washington says, "He can make a fire while we decide what to do with him."
December 27, 1753. No one really knows why the Indian shot at them. Washington and Gist knew it would be difficult to travel with the Indian as a prisoner, so they let him go free. With only a compass to guide them the men began to walk. They walked all night and all the next day.
December 29, 1753. The men reached the Allegheny River. They expected to walk across on the ice, but the river wasn't frozen solid. They built a raft with the only tool they had, a hatchet. Then they set out to cross the river.
Large chunks of ice raced down the Allegheny River. The force of water and ice jerked Washington's pole and threw him into the cold, deep water. Luckly, he was strong enough to grab the raft and pull himself back on board. It certainly was a close call!
Because the river was too dangerous they could not get the raft to either shore, They spent the night on a small island in the middle of the river. Washington and Gist were in a bad situation. That night the island was extremely cold and their wet clothes froze. Gist says, "I think my fingers are frostbitten!" But good news came in the morning. Overnight the river had frozen enough that they could walk to the other side!
December 30, 1753. They made it to Frazer's cabin, a friendly British trader. They left on New Year's day with burrowed horses and headed for Gist's home at Will's Creek. January 6, 1754. Gist was home safe and sound, but Washington still had a long way to go.
January 16, 1754. Washington finally reached Williamsburg again, almost three months after he left. He delivered the letter from the French to Governor Dinwiddie. His mission was complete!