
Water taste test

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

scientist with toy dog


Lewis and Clark completed a challenging mission of science and exploration for our nation, just like the women and men continue to do at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. They build and test parts for rockets and space telescopes and more, with a proud history helping NASA complete amazing missions. Lewis and Clark knew the importance of water for a long trip, and thanks to my friends at Marshall, now, so do I! I visited a lab where NASA makes fresh water from recycled urine. Jennifer Pruitt, a waste processing engineer, taught me how astronauts use special life support systems to filter their own sweat and urine into clean drinking water. She even poured me a sample and it tasted great. (Credit: NASA/Christopher Blair)

Learn more:
ECLSS Overview
ECLSS PDF Fact Sheet
ECLSS Lab Image
logo for toy dog mission to space
Traveling in the spirit of a Newfoundland dog that became one of the most famous members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Seaman Jr. will enjoy the sights of our home planet from the International Space Station, including amazing views of our national trails, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Trails Act and NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 60th anniversary.

The National Park Service and Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail invite you to learn more about Seaman, Jr.’s space journey! Follow his blog ( for special updates every Tuesday to see all of the missions in space and flashbacks to his training adventures at NASA centers and on the national trails.

Last updated: October 19, 2018