Last updated: November 8, 2019
Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program’s Rodney Flora
NPS, Amanda Stein
As a recent graduate from Shepherd University Rodney Flora applied to the Historic Preservation Training Center’s Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program (TTAP) ready to expand his coursework knowledge and passion for history and preservation. Prior to graduation Rodney was Honorably Discharged from the U.S. Navy where manual labor was a part of his daily routine. In April 2019, Historic Preservation Training Center (HPTC) working in partnership with Conservation Legacy recruited eight post-9/11 veterans for the program, placing members at Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Gettysburg National Military Park, Manassas National Battlefield Park and HPTC. Rodney was selected for a six month internship within HPTC’s Masonry Section, working alongside experienced craftsmen to learn preservation trade skills, cultural resources stewardship, and the National Park Service’s mission while completing deferred maintenance projects.

When asked to comment about his work experiences on preservation projects at several different NPS sites Rodney stated, “By my work, and the work of HPTC, I can maintain the historic imprint of those who have built before me. For me, it is extremely satisfying to preserve the history of our great Nation and the National Parks. This program is an excellent way to learn the skills for employment and to showcase oneself... I am excited to go to work every morning and make a difference in the National Park Service and in our Nation’s history.”
Rodney’s term with TTAP ended in October 2019. His continued hard work and dedication coupled with his enthusiasm and interest in pursuing a federal career in historic preservation was apparent to those with which he worked. As such, Rodney was recently offered and accepted a position in HPTC’s Masonry Section. His start day is Veteran’s Day. Rodney, we thank you for your continued commitment to serving our country and its resources!
See a video about Rodney’s experience on TTAP’s webpage.