Last updated: July 5, 2018
Syrphid Flies of the North Coast & Cascades
Syrphid flies (Syrphidae family), also known as hoverflies or flower flies, feed on nectar or pollen. They are frequently observed on flowers in subalpine and alpine ecosystems, but there is little research on their distribution or importance as pollinators. In 2014, Dr. Jessica Rykken conducted pollinator surveys in Olympic National Park and North Cascades National Park Service Complex, documented 57 taxa of syrphid flies.
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Syrphid Flies of the North Coa...
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Dr. Jessica Rykken photographed the species of syrphid flies she documented as she conducted pollinator surveys in North Coast & Cascades Network national parks.
Species | Common name | Larval habits | Lewis and Clark National Historical Park | North Cascades National Park Complex | Olympic National Park |
Blera scitula | Western wood fly | Saprophagous; tree holes | x | x | |
Chalcosyrphus nemorum | Dusky-banded forest fly | Saprophagous; decaying sap under bark | x | ||
Cheilosia tristis | Pollen fly | Unknown; genus is variable in habits | x | ||
Criorhina coquilletti | Variable bumblefly | Saprophagous; tree holes, dead wood | x | x | |
Eristalis arbustorum | European drone fly* | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | ||
Eristalis hirta | Hirsute drone fly | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | x | |
Eristalis tenax | Drone fly* | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | ||
Hadromyia crawfordi | Golden quicksilver | Unknown | x | ||
Hadromyia grandis | Bee-like quicksilver | Unknown | x | ||
Hadromyia opaca | Brassy quicksilver | Unknown | x | ||
Hadromyia pulchra | Yellow-shielded quicksilver | Unknown | x | ||
Helophilus fasciatus | Narrow-headed sunfly | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | x | |
Hiatomyia plutonia | Midnight deltawing | Unknown | x | x | |
Sericomyia chalcopyga | Western pond fly | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | x | |
Sericomyia flagrans | Spot-winged pond fly | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | ||
Sphecomyia pattoni | Patton's yellowjacket fly | Saprophagous; wet organic material | x | x | |
Sphegina sp. | Spatulate fly | Saprophagous; decaying sap under bark | x | ||
Syritta pipiens | Common compost fly* | Saprophagous; manure, compost | x | ||
Xylota naknek | Naknek forest fly | Saprophagous; decayed sap and wood | x | ||
Chrysotoxum fasciatum | Western meadow fly | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Chrysotoxum flavifrons | Blackshield meadow fly | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Chrysotoxum ventricosum | Cordilleran meadow fly | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Dasysyrphus intrudens | Confusing conifer fly | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Dasysyrphus venustus | Transverse conifer fly | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Epistrophe grossulariae | Black-horned smoothtail | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Eriozona laxus | Black-legged gossamer | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Eupeodes fumipennis | Long-tailed aphideater | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Eupeodes sp. | Aphideater | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Fazia micrura | Diamond spottail | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Eupeodes aberrantis | Western loopwing aphideater | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Eupeodes lapponicus | Common loopwing aphideater | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Melangyna fisherii | Large-spotted halfband | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Melangyna labiatarum | Bare-eyed halfband | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Melangyna subfasciata | Yellow-faced halfband | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Melangyna umbellatarum | Bare-winged halfband | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Melanostoma mellinum | Western roundtail | Predator on aphids | x | x | x |
Neocnemodon rita | Gloomy spikeleg | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Paragus haemorrhous | Black-nosed grass skimmer | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Paragus sp. | Skimmer | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Parasyrphus relictus | Boreal bristleside | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Platycheirus atra/lutepennis | Sedgesitter | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Platycheirus ciliatus | Pacific sedgesitter | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Platycheirus confusus/sabulicola | Sedgesitter | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Platycheirus stegnus | Greater punctate sedgesitter | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Platycheirus trichopus | Western forest sedgesitter | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Sphaerophoria abbreviata/asymmetrica | Globetail | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Sphaerophoria brevipilosa/longipilosa | Globetail | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Sphaerophoria novaeangliae | Black-striped globetail | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Sphaerophoria sulphuripes | Forded globetail | Predator on aphids | x | x | x |
Syrphus attenuatus | Yellow-margined flower fly | Predator on aphids | x | ||
Syrphus opinator | Black-margined flower fly | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Syrphus ribesii | Common flower fly | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Syrphus torvus | Hairy-eyed flower fly | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Toxomerus occidentalis | Western calligrapher | Predator on aphids | x | x | |
Toxomerus sp. | Calligrapher | Predator on aphids | x |

NPS / Jessica Rykken