Series: The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 24, No. 1, Summer 2024

The Midden is the Resource Management Newsletter of Great Basin National Park, published each summer and winter. Find out the latest going on at Great Basin National Park, Nevada in resource management and research. The Midden - Great Basin National Park: Vol. 24, No.1, Summer 2024.

  • Great Basin National Park

    Article 1: Minerals and Microbes in Lehman Caves

    A person standing in a white-coated cave passage.

    Lehman Caves is world famous for its many shields and other spectacular speleothems. But it also has other, less conspicuous minerals that hold important clues about the history of the cave. Find out more in this article. Read more

  • Great Basin National Park

    Article 2: A Winter in Great Basin National Park

    caver looking up at delicate formations

    Although winter is often the slow season at Great Basin National Park, that's not the case when you're working underground. Find out how Scientist in the Park Heather Hansen spent her winter. Read more

  • Great Basin National Park

    Article 3: Determining Dust Impacts on Great Basin National Park

    dust collector on wheeler peak

    How much dust is deposited on mountains? A new study undertakes to answer this question for the Intermountain West and the Great Basin. Find out how much dust is deposited and how it varies in different mountain ranges--plus, what the dust means for mountain soils. Read more

  • Great Basin National Park

    Article 4: Sounds in Lehman Caves

    small box with acoustic monitor inside it

    What do you hear when you go in Lehman Caves? This study set out to make some recordings to help answer that question. Read more

  • Great Basin National Park

    Article 5: Snake Valley Christmas Bird Count Breaks Record

    rough legged hawk, soaring photo by Joey Danielson

    Every winter, bird enthusiasts gather all over the country (and even in some places out of the country) to count birds. The 2023 Snake Valley Christmas Bird Count totaled the highest number of bird species to date thanks to a great group of participants. Read more