"Dear sir, I was a drunkard for twenty-five years and can scarcely remember of being sober for a single day during that time...But thank heaven! I secured a pair of your intemperance proof shoes and have been a sober and happy man ever since." "The most troublesome things here are the knats which walk all over a man and defy you to capture them. You can kill a mosquito, which is a consolation itself, but a knat seems to have come into existence to keep the art of swearing from dying.
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 1: Buffalo Soldiers of Fort Niobrara
Buffalo Soldier of Fort Niobrara, Nebraska, circa 1880's. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 2: The Republican 4-20-1888
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 4-20-1888. Highlights include: Ballgame, Fort vs. Valentine men, Social Club gave a hop, Visitors to the Fort, Performance at the Fort, Young People’s romantic behavior Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 3: The Republican 12-7-1888
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 12-7-1888. Highlights include: Lieutenants’ 4-month leave, Upcoming nuptuals for non-com, Mrs. Whitney’s return from California, Building new spacious Hospital ward, Pastime Club annual “hop," Thanksgiving feast/service at Fort. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 4: The Republican 4-12-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 4-12-1889. Highlights include: Death of Col. Hatch, buggy accident, Spring’s appearance, Magic lantern show, lecture, Drinking misfortunes of colored soldiers, Hunting party’s humor report, Death and epitaph of a G troop fine horse, Engineer’s crew transforming kerosene cans, Sword and shield editorial on soldiers’ drinking Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 5: The Republican 4-19-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 4-19-1889. Highlights include: New colored recruits, Two lovers separated, Gen. Hatch internment, Priv. Greer learns hard lesson, Privates’ hunting on furlough, Journalistic flattery, Fensch family’s move to Atlanta, Infantry Drum Major keeps wedding plans secret, Year’s first battalion drill, Some court martial humor, Private Moore sentenced. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 6: The Republican 4-26-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 4-26-1889. Highlights include: Sergent Armour, promoted, Sergt. Macie returns a married man, Hair dressing business has addition. Easter at the Fort was good, ball game, Temporary Hospital Steward, Private Graemer promoted, Coaches of Omaha board of trade pass the Fort, Quite a tale of a pair of boots. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 7: The Republican 5-3-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 5-3-1889. Highlights include: Short blurbs:Sunday parade abolished or not, Chaplin Lewis, Men relieved, Catholic mass, Troops, paymasters, Fine concert held Wednesday at post -a tribute, Lieut’s Hyde & Richardson movements, Brutal assault in the meeting of men two fort of company drinking parties on the prairie, Washington’s Centennial Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 8: The Republican 5-24-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 5-24-1889. Highlights include: Water tank in progress, New fort buildings could lead to a new restaurant, Old commissary’s future, Saturday entertainment, Baseball match, Cavalry vs. Infantry Game not finished, Record making shooting, Company drills, dress-parade, Free Concerts at Night, a lights spectacle, as well Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 9: The Republican 5-31-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 5-31-1889. Highlights include: Troups mustered, First accident, season’s shooting, Lieut. Stafford promoted, Extraordinary shooting story a hoax, A legal holiday observed, New buildings soon commensed, Lt. Co. Smith’s changes, Colony of settlers questions presence of Indian, Saturday’s entertainment - repeated applause. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 10: The Republican 6-7-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 6-7-1889. Highlights include: Corporal Nulty promoted, New boarding house commenced, Dress parade scheduled, Troublesome Knatz more trouble than mosquitos, Monday payday more disorderlies, More fugitive settlers Indian scare, Gen. Kantz on business trip. Read more
Niobrara National Scenic River
Article 11: The Republican 6-21-1889
Historic Newspaper Article, Transcribed from The Republican from Valentine, Nebraska. "Bugle Notes from the Fort" Column. Dated 6-21-1889. Highlights include: Record shooting, The Best have dwindled, Ft. Niobrara well-represented at circus in Valentine, Sad Accident Account of Full Military Funeral, At Last! -Decision on inspections. Read more